New Celerio has been launched by Maruti Suzuki India at the Indian Auto Expo 2014, held at delhi. Maruti Celerio starts with Rs. 3.90 lakh for LXI variant while the AMT starts with Rs. 4.29 lakh. A replacement for the A-Star and Estilo, it comes with an automated manual transmission, eliminating the clutch pedal from the car. Already open for advance booking, this hatchback comes in three variants - Lxi, Vxi and Zxi. The Zxi variant, with extra features like trip computer, dual airbags and ABS (Anti-Braking System) with EBD, is placed at the top in the lineup. With external dimensions of 3600mm x 1600mm x 1540mm (LWH), and a wheelbase of 2425mm, the car comes with a 1.0 liter, 3 cylinder K-Next engine, generating a maximum power of 67bhp with 90Nm of peak torque. The front wheels of the car receives power through AMT or Five-speed manual transmission.

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