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Thread: Oushadha Kanji'/ Karkidaka Kanji((Medicinal Porridge)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default Oushadha Kanji'/ Karkidaka Kanji((Medicinal Porridge)

    'Oushadha Kanji'/ Karkidaka Kanji is a medicinal rice soup is a traditional item of Kerala during the rainy days. This tasty dish has a special effect in warding off the monsoon fevers. Here is the exclusive recipe to prepare the ayurvedic 'Oushadha Kanji" at your home.

    Ingredients of Karkidaka Kanji

    1. 5gm Malli
    2. 5gm Vizhalari
    3. 5gm Chrupunnayari
    4. 5gm Kutakapalayari
    5. 5gm Karkokilari
    6. 5gm Cumin seeds
    7. 5gm Aniseed
    8. 5gm Ayamodakam
    9. 5gm Fenugreek
    10. 5gm Aashali
    11. 5gm Putharichundaveru
    12. 5gmVarattumanjal
    13. 5gm Mustard seeds
    14. 5gm Chukku
    15. 5gm Sathakuppa
    16. 5gm Naruneendikizhangu
    17. 5gm Karimjeerakam
    18. 5gm Cardamom
    19. 5gm Thakkolam
    20. 5gm Grambu
    21. 5gm Nutmeg
    22. 1 liter water
    23. 250ml Cow Milk/Coconut Milk
    24. I tsp ghee
    25. 5gm Small onion

    How to prepare Karkidaka Kanji?

    Boil the ingredients 1-23 well in a cleaned pot for 15 minutes.

    Clean the small onions and fry it well in one teaspoon of ghee.

    Mix the fried onions to the prepared solution and let it cool for 10 minutes.

    Consume the Oushadha Kanji in empty stomach in the evening or as a substitute for your dinner.


    Oushadha Kanji should be consumed continuously for one week or multiplies of the week like 2 weeks, three weeks etc. for a better effect.

    Those who suffer from high Cholesterol levels may use coconut oil in place of ghee.

    Keywords: Oushadha Kanji, Karkidaka Kanji
    Last edited by minisoji; 07-06-2011 at 07:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Eat Healthy This Karkidakam

    According to Ayurveda, our body consists of three main elements or 'doshas' - ‘Vata’, ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha’. For each season there is a unique diet and a way of living to keep your ‘doshas’ in a state of equilibrium and help you cope with the stress and strain of the changing seasons. The sudden change from the scorching heat to the monsoons cause acidity in the vegetation around us, and the consumption of their yields cause 'pithadosha' in humans, and the wet atmosphere causes 'vatadosha'.

    Digestive capacity is reduced during the monsoons; it is therefore advisable to moderate your diet during the monsoons.

    Avoid eating if you are not hungry. This is the most important tip for healthy eating for the season. Eating unnecessarily can lead to indigestion and illness.

    Eat light breakfasts like 'rava upma' or 'iddlies' with ginger in it. Ginger adds to the flavour of the food and also helps to improve digestion. 'Idiyappam' and other steam-cooked food items are most preferable for breakfast. Drink warm beverages only. Old wines and 'arishtas' are good for Karkidakam.

    Fruits like pomegranates, bananas, chikoos, strawberries and dates are ideal for the monsoon. Steam the bananas well before consuming. Bananas are heavy to digest when taken raw, especially during the rainy season. Stay away from melons and cucumber. Jackfruits and mangoes are seasonal fruits; you can go easy on them. Avoid uncooked food and salads.

    Care should be taken to see that only boiled water and properly cooked food items with sufficient warmth are consumed. Consume milk as per necissity. Milk has glucose that gives you energy.

    Non-vegetarians should go for lighter meat preparations like soups and stews rather than the spicy dishes. Avoid fish and other fried food. Vegitarians can go for vegetable soups.

    You can go for sweet food. Sweet, sour and salty dishes are good for rainy season.

    It is advisable to add a little ghee while cooking during the rainy season as ghee helps in pacifying 'vata'.

    Do not consume food straight out of the refrigerator; warm it to room temperature before consumption. This is a tip to healthy diet for all the seasons.

    Drinking a cup of warm water with one teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice added to it is effective against cough and cold. It is to be noted that honey should be added only after cooling the lemon mixture. Boiled cinnamon in a cup of water and honey, taken 3-4 times a day can relieve sore throats.

    If you have throat irritations, taking 'thalisa pathradi churnam' mixed with little honey every now and then is an effective antidote.

    The rainy season is ideal for Ayurvedic detoxification or Panchakarma therapy, which eliminates all toxins from the body, reduces stress and instills new energy. Panchakarma therapy includes 'Virechanam' or purgation, 'Vamanam' or emissive therapy, 'Nasyam' or inhalation, 'Kashayavasthi' and 'Snehavasthi'.

    'Abhayanga' or whole body massage is also good during the rainy season to relax the body. It also helps to ward off 'vata' born diseases. ‘Udvarthanam' or massage with herbal powders helps in toning the muscles. It also helps to reduce weight. 'Shiro-dhara' is also advisable for meantal relaxation.

    A strict adherence to Ayurveda and a disciplined way of life can keep you healthy this Karkidakam.

    Keywords: Oushadha Kanji, Karkidaka Kanji, healthy food

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    Dec 2017
    United States

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