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Thread: THE LIFE SPAN OF ANIMALS & More useful things....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default THE LIFE SPAN OF ANIMALS & More useful things....

    MAMMALS................... YEARS
    Elephant......................... 69
    Horse ............................ 50
    Hippopotamus ................. 49
    Chimpanzee..................... 40
    Grizzly Bear .................... 32
    Bison.............................. 30
    Lion ............................... 30
    Tiger.............................. 25
    Elk................................. 22
    Mountain Lion................... 20
    Beaver............................ 19
    Wolf .............................. 16
    Squirrel .......................... 16
    Chipmunk ....................... 12
    Cottontail ....................... 10
    House Mouse..................... 4

    BIRDS ........................YEARS
    Turkey Buzzard ............. 118
    Swan .......................... 102
    Parrot ........................... 80
    Great Horned Owl ............68
    Eagle ........................... 55
    English Sparrow .............. 23
    Humming Bird ..................8

    REPTILES .................... YEARS
    Giant Tortoise .................152
    Box Turtle ......................123
    Alligator ......................... 68
    Snapping Turtle.................57
    Cobra .............................28
    Cottonmouth.................... 21

    AMPHIBIANS .................YEARS
    Giant Salamander .............55
    Toad ..............................36
    Bullfrog ..........................30
    Mud Puppy ..................... 23
    Green Frog ..................... 10
    Newt .............................. 7

    FISH ..........................YEARS
    Catfish ........................... 60
    Eel ................................ 55
    Carp .............................. 47
    Mosquitofish .......................2

    INSECTS .....................YEARS

    Cicada ............................ 17
    Ant (queen) ..................... 15

    Last edited by sherlyk; 01-06-2010 at 09:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Names Originated of the Week

    WEEK DAY ............ ITS ORIGIN
    Sunday .......... sun
    Monday .............. moon
    Tuesday .............. Tiw(Scandinavian God of War)
    Wednesday.......... Woden (Odin)(Chief of the Scandinavian God s)
    Thursday .............. Thor (The God of Thunder)
    Friday ............. Freya (Frigga)(The Godess of Friendship)
    Saturday ............... Saturn

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Origin of the Names of the Months

    Origin of the Names of the Months

    * January: Janus, Roman god of doors, beginnings, sunset and sunrise, had one face looking forward and one backward,

    * February: On February 15 the Romans celebrated the festival of forgiveness for sins; (februare, Latin to purify),

    * March: Mars, the Roman god of war,

    * April: Roman month Aprilis, perhaps derived from aperire, (Latin to open, as in opening buds and blossoms) or perhaps from Aphrodite, original Greek name of Venus,

    * May: Maia, Roman goddess, mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas,

    * June: Juno, chief Roman goddess,

    * July: Renamed for Julius Caesar in 44 BC, who was born this month; Quintilis, Latin for fifth month, was the former name (the Roman year began in March rather than January),

    * August: Formerly Sextilis (sixth month in the Roman calendar); re-named in 8 BC for Augustus Caesar,

    * September: September, (septem, Latin for 7) the seventh month in the Julian or Roman calendar, established in the reign of Julius Caesar,

    * October: Eighth month (octo, Latin for in the Julian (Roman) calendar. The Gregorian calendar instituted by Pope Gregory XIII established January as the first month of the year,

    * November: Ninth Roman month (novem, Latin for 9). Catholic countries adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1582, skipping 10 days that October, correcting for too many leap years,

    * December: Julian (Roman) year's tenth month (decem, Latin for 10).

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