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Thread: AIDS can be cured..

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Is there anyway that we get a translation to english.
    Anyhoo this might be something, cause what is he saying does sound logickal...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Since the infection rate is so high in India, it would be great if
    that information is correct. However, there are people who "claim" to
    have a cure for AIDS every day. Nearly all of them are only interested
    in making money and taking advantage of the poor.

    The other problem is, the pharmaceutical companies. It's very possible
    that at least one of them already has a cure. Unfortunately, if they
    did have a cure, they probably wouldn't release that information
    because there isn't a lot of money to be made off of a cure. The
    money is made off of treatment.

    Look at the last great cure in preventing polio. Yes, it has helped
    millions of people from developing such a terrible disease. However,
    that was before large drug companies became the Mafia that they are

    The same goes for cancer and a few other diseases. The largest cancer
    organizations in the United States all have financial interests, and
    are associated with various political and private organizations that
    only have financial interests. Again, the money is in treating not

    I believe that there are natural cures out there. However, until a
    good hearted person starts treating people, and those patients are
    cured or their diseases are under control, the information will never
    be released to the public.

    Plus, the medical community will always be suspicious to such claims
    because they know how difficult AIDS, cancer and other such illnesses
    are to treat. The other problem is, once a drug company finds out
    about such a cure, they will do their best to by the patent from that
    person, then they will continue to do "research" on the medicine for
    side effects for another 20 years. Even if they know that the natural
    cure could work today. Again, there isn't any money to be made in a
    cure, but drug companies make millions off of treatment.

    I am a certified acupuncturist and herbalist. I would love to have
    more information on this man's treatments in English. There are
    millions of people who are waiting for a magical cure. For this
    reason, it's so easy for people to make claims about cures. What
    usually happens is, the person making the claims collects enough money
    from his patients and then disappears when they prove that the claims
    were false.

    Anyway, thanks for the nice post.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    yepps.. i don't and will not believe anything till evidence or proof is shown.. if really, the cure for aids is found, the world will be updated over a matter of time not so long, like months.. but, maybe if the paperwork could be translated into english, everyone can and will read the notes and understand if it really is true, that he actually found the cure.. which the world will be celebrating, or in some places, begin buying the cure, in mass.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    My Comments -

    There is always enough ground of doubt available in it.

    1) Why hasn't it came on any national newspaer?
    2) Why is he not going for patent?
    3) Why is he not yet approached by some big organizations in US who are working for it?

    Latest news on Aids-

    Recently, I read in the newspaper that there was one guy who recovered completely from AIDS. He is supposed to be the first case of its kind. Scientists are now interested in carrying out Tests by taking the samples from his body. The main purpose of this whole exercise is to establish the fact that there was something in his body that prevented him from the deadly disease. (Sorry friends, I don't have the link of that news :-( )

    Negative Media

    We are unfortunate that we have a very negative media in our age. We publish all the negative things. Other than that, we never try to justify any news before printing it. There is a cut - throat competition and everyone wants to win the race by beating others and at any cost. Few irresponsible journalism to mention in our context - News of Herbal Petrol, News of UP boy coming in the merit list of NASA. In this case, even the meeting with president got fixed :-) So, please ignore whatever we can and always read something with our thinking hats on :-)

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Nokia
    TV, NEWSPAPERS, ROAD SHOWS are not proof. That is media, will show anything that is interesting to viewers. Having interview in a TV is not a proof of anything other than getting popular.
    A lot of people forget that one!!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Yeah, that's true dear. In our age, both elctronic as well as print media has become a sale comodity. Lets not become easy target for them.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default AIDS..Uncurable or not?

    maybe but it might take just don't get them :D

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Re: AIDS..Uncurable or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by immortalangels
    maybe but it might take just don't get them :D
    Eventhough, there is a cure, we should not get AIDS. Even we don't want to get cold though - it does go by itself after couple of days.

    AIDS - it just happens - so lets be careful.

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