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  1. #31
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    Nov 2005

    Default Facts to Gather Before Interviewing

    Facts to Gather Before Interviewing

    * Key people in the organization
    * Major products or services
    * Size in terms of sales and employees
    * Locations other than your community
    * Organizational structure of the company
    * Major competitors
    * View of the company by clients, suppliers, and competition
    * Latest news reports on the company or on local or national news that affects the company

  2. #32
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    Nov 2005

    Default Q'S

    Handling Illegal Questions

    Various federal, state, and local laws regulate the questions a prospective employer can ask you, the job candidate. An employer’s questions—whether on the job application, in the interview, or during the testing process—must be related to the job you’re seeking. For the employer, the focus must be: “What do I need to know to decide whether this person can perform the functions of this job?”

    If asked an illegal question, you have three options:

    * You can answer the question—you’re free to do so, if you wish. However, if you choose to answer an illegal question, remember that you are giving information that isn’t related to the job; in fact, you might be giving the “wrong” answer, which could harm your chances of getting the job.
    * You can refuse to answer the question, which is well within your rights. Unfortunately, depending on how you phrase your refusal, you run the risk of appearing uncooperative or confrontational—hardly words an employer would use to describe the “ideal” candidate.
    * You can examine the question for its intent and respond with an answer as it might apply to the job. For example, the interviewer asks, “Are you a U.S. citizen?” or “What country are you from?” You’ve been asked an illegal question. You could respond, however, with “I am authorized to work in the United States.” Similarly, let’s say the interviewer asks, “Who is going to take care of your children when you have to travel for the job?” You might answer, “I can meet the travel and work schedule that this job requires.”

  3. #33
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    Nov 2005

    Default A'S

    On the following page are examples of some illegal questions and their legal counterparts.

    Handling Illegal Questions

    Various federal, state, and local laws regulate the questions a prospective employer can ask you, the job candidate. An employer’s questions—whether on the job application, in the interview, or during the testing process—must be related to the job you’re seeking. For the employer, the focus must be: “What do I need to know to decide whether this person can perform the functions of this job?”

    If asked an illegal question, you have three options:

    * You can answer the question—you’re free to do so, if you wish. However, if you choose to answer an illegal question, remember that you are giving information that isn’t related to the job; in fact, you might be giving the “wrong” answer, which could harm your chances of getting the job.
    * You can refuse to answer the question, which is well within your rights. Unfortunately, depending on how you phrase your refusal, you run the risk of appearing uncooperative or confrontational—hardly words an employer would use to describe the “ideal” candidate.
    * You can examine the question for its intent and respond with an answer as it might apply to the job. For example, the interviewer asks, “Are you a U.S. citizen?” or “What country are you from?” You’ve been asked an illegal question. You could respond, however, with “I am authorized to work in the United States.” Similarly, let’s say the interviewer asks, “Who is going to take care of your children when you have to travel for the job?” You might answer, “I can meet the travel and work schedule that this job requires.”

    On the following page are examples of some illegal questions and their legal counterparts.

  4. #34
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    Nov 2005


    Handling Illegal Questions

    By Rochelle Kaplan

    See also information about Handling Questions About a Disability
    Inquiry Area

    Illegal Questions

    Legal Questions
    National Origin/ Citizenship . Are you a U.S. citizen? . Where were you/your parents born? . What is your "native tongue"? . Are you authorized to work in the United States? . What language do you read/speak/write fluently? (This question is okay only if this ability is relevant to the performance of the job.)
    Age . How old are you? . When did you graduate? . What's your birth date? . Are you over the age of 18?
    Status . What's your marital status? . With whom do you live? . Do you plan to have a family? When? . How many kids do you have? . What are your child-care arrangements? . Would you be willing to relocate if necessary? . Would you be able and willing to travel as needed for the job? (This question is okay if it is asked of all applicants for the job.) . Would you be able and willing to work overtime as necessary? (This question is okay assuming it is asked of all applicants for the job.)
    Affiliations . What clubs or social organizations do you belong to? . List any professional or trade groups or other organizations that you belong to that you consider relevant to your ability to perform this job.
    Personal . How tall are you? How much do you weigh? (Questions about height and weight are not acceptable unless minimum standards are essential for the safe performance of the job.) . Are you able to lift a 50-pound weight and carry it 100 yards, as that is part of the job?
    Disabilities . Do you have any disabilities? . Please complete the following medical history. . Have you had any recent or past illnesses or operations? If yes, list them and give dates when these occurred. . What was the date of your last physical exam? . How's your family's health? . When did you lose your eyesight? How? . Do you need an accommodation to perform the job? (This question can be asked only after a job offer has been made.) . Are you able to perform the essential functions of this job? (This question is okay if the interviewer has thoroughly described the job.) . Can you demonstrate how you would perform the following job-related functions? . As part of the hiring process, after a job offer has been made, you will be required to undergo a medical exam. (Exam results must be kept strictly confidential, except medical/safety personnel may be informed if emergency medical treatment is required, and supervisors may be informed about necessary job accommodations, based on exam results.)
    Arrest Record . Have you ever been arrested? . Have you ever been convicted of _____? (The crime named should be reasonably related to the performance of the job in question.)
    Military . If you've been in the military, were you honorably discharged? . In what branch of the Armed Forces did you serve? . What type of training or education did you receive in the military?

  5. #35
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    Nov 2005

    Default GUIDE

    Employment Interviewing
    Seizing the Opportunity and the Job

    U.S. Department of Labor
    Occupational Outlook Quarterly
    Summer 2000

    by Olivia Crosby

    Interviewing is the most stressful part of the job search for many
    people. But it doesn't have to be. Interviews are an opportunity to show
    you are an enthusiastic worker who would do a job well.

    You can make the most of that opportunity by being prepared, presenting
    a professional demeanor, and describing your qualifications well.

    There are many types of interviews: screening interviews, designed to
    whittle the applicant pool; longer second and third interviews, intended
    to help employers make final selections; and telephone and video
    conferencing interviews, arranged to capitalize on available technology.

    Although these interviews often have different purposes, they all
    require basic interviewing skills. Read on for advice about what to do
    before, during, and after a job interview. The sidebar on page 17
    discusses ways to enlist good references, and the special feature on
    page 19 offers tips about job fairs.


    Career counselors say a good job interview starts well before the
    jobseeker and interviewer meet. Preparation can be as important as the
    interview itself. Researching, practicing, and dressing appropriately
    are the first steps to making the most of a job interview.

    Research. One of the best, but most fre-quently overlooked, ways to
    demonstrate enthusiasm for a job is to research both the company and the
    position for which you are being interviewed. Employers say they are
    impressed by well-informed jobseekers.

    Before arriving for an interview, you should know what the company does,
    how large it is, any recent changes it has undergone, and what role you
    could play in its organization. Try to learn about the company's goals
    and values. With these facts, you can show how your qualifica-tions
    match the company's needs.

    The company itself is often the easiest place to start your search. Many
    businesses fill their websites with information tailored to jobseekers.
    These sites often include a history of the company and a description of
    its products and customers. And many companies' human resources
    departments will send recruiting information if you request it.

    Public libraries and career centers also have valuable information about
    employers, including companies' annual reports to shareholders, reports
    kept by local chambers of commerce, trade journals, and business
    indexes, such as Hoover's Business Index and Dun and Bradstreet.

    Practice describing yourself. Another important step in preparing for a
    job interview is to practice describing your professional
    characteristics. Think of examples from past jobs, schoolwork, and
    activities to illustrate important skills. Recalling accomplishments
    beforehand, when you don't have to respond under interview pressure,
    will strengthen your answers during the actual event.

    Every interview will be different, and there may always be surprising
    questions. Nevertheless, interviewers suggest rehearsing with a career
    counselor or friend to gain confidence and poise. As a starting point,
    try to respond aloud to the following:

    * How would you describe yourself?

    * What did you like most about your last job?

    * What types of courses do you enjoy most?

    * Why should I select you over other applicants?

    * What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

    * What are your hobbies?

    * Tell me more about the project you described on your resume.

    * Describe a work or school-related problem and how you solved it.

    * Tell me about a time you worked as part of a team.

    * What are your short-term goals?

    * Why do you want to work in this occupation and for this company?

    Each question gives you an opportunity to illustrate your favorable
    characteristics. When responding, focus on subjects related to the job.
    For example, if asked to describe yourself, talk about your professional
    characteristics and background, not your personal life.

    Some questions -- such as those about hobbies or interests -- may seem
    irrelevant. Interviewers ask these types of questions to learn about
    your personality and test your interpersonal skills. In addition,
    answering questions about your hobbies or interests allows you to
    highlight some of your other strengths. Participating in a sport might
    demonstrate teamwork; ability in a craft, such as needlepoint, shows an
    attention to detail.

    Career centers and libraries have many books with additional questions
    and possible answers. The goal is not to memorize responses to these
    questions but to become comfortable speaking about yourself, your
    training and experience, and your career goals. Responding to interview
    questions should not sound as if you are reciting a script.

    Whatever the question, be ready to accentuate the positive. The
    interviewer might ask for a weakness or failure; choose one that does
    not affect your ability to do the job, or describe a shortcoming you are
    working to overcome. For example, if interviewing for an entry-level
    job, cite your lack of paid experience. If there are weaknesses evident
    on your resume; or transcript, such as being fired from a job or
    receiving poor grades, rehearse an explanation before the interview in
    case you are asked about them. Focus on what you learned from the
    experience, being careful never to criticize a previous employer or

    Dress professionally. Securing a job is much easier if you look the
    part. A useful guideline is to dress as you would for an important day
    on the job, like a meeting with a supervisor or a presentation to a

    Clothes should be clean, well fitting, and wrinkle free. Most employers
    expect jobseekers to wear a traditional two-piece suit, preferably in a
    conservative color such as navy blue, gray, or black. The object is to
    look reliable, not trendy. Many employers say that women's skins should
    be knee-length or below. Polished, closed-toe shoes complete the
    professional image.

    Avoid last-minute clothing disasters by trying on your suit a few days
    before the interview. And plan for the unexpected: if you will wear a
    skirt, buy an extra pair of stockings; if you have shoes that tie, get
    more shoelaces. Bring such extras along with you the day of the

    Keep hair neat by tying it back, putting it up, or cutting it short.
    Avoid cologne and perfume, large pieces of jewelry, and heavy or
    unnatural makeup. These distract the interviewer from your


    On the day of the interview, give yourself plenty of time to get ready
    for and travel to the interview. Plan to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early.
    (Some career counselors suggest making a rest tun to the interview sire
    in advance re familiarize yourself with the travel route.)

    Consider carrying a briefcase to the interview. In addition to giving
    you a professional look, a briefcase serves a function: it gives
    portability to things you'll want at the interview. These include a pen
    and paper to record important information, such as the proper spelling
    of the interviewer's name and the time and date of followup interviews;
    copies of your résumé or application and references; and examples of
    your work, such as writing samples.

    Butterflies. Most people are nervous when interviewing. But remember:
    You have been asked to interview for the job because the employer
    believes you could be right for it. The interview is your chance to
    confirm that belief and establish rapport.

    To reduce nervousness, interviewers recommend getting a good night's
    sleep and maintaining your usual morning routine-if you never eat
    breakfast, for example, don't cat a hearty morning meal on interview
    day. They also recommend calling to mind some of your happiest memories
    or proudest moments before arriving for the interview.

    And they remind jobseekers that each opening you interview for is not
    the only one that exists. More than one company recruits for jobs. If
    one interview doesn't go well, another will.

    First impressions. The interview begins the moment you arrive. Everyone
    you meet, from the receptionist to the hiring manager, will form an
    impression of you. To ensure the impression is positive, remember that
    your words and mannerisms will affect the image you project. When
    greeting people, smile warmly and shake hands. Make eye contact and
    maintain good posture. Don't create a negative impression by using
    slang, chewing gum, smoking cigarettes, or giving curt, oneword answers.

    Interviewers suggest rehearsing with a career counselor or friend
    to gain confidence and poise. The goal is to become comfortable
    speaking about yourself, your training and experience, and your
    career goals.

    Standard politeness is important in an interview because the interviewer
    knows very little about you. To be safe, never use the interviewer's
    first name unless you are invited to do so, and don't sit down until the
    interviewer does.

    Responding to questions. After introductions, the interviewer will
    probably explain the job in more detail, discuss the company, or
    initiate friendly conversation. The interviewer will then ask questions
    to try re gauge how well you would fill the position.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    References: Making the last word a good one

    Before making a hiring decision, most employers want to speak with
    people who know a candidate well. You should contact three to five
    people who will agree to provide favorable recommendations about you
    to future employers.

    Choosing references can be difficult, especially for people with
    little work experience. But there are more options than you might
    think. The people you ask to be references should be familiar with
    your abilities. Supervisors from either paid or unpaid jobs,
    teachers, coaches, advisors, and coworkers are all good choices for
    references. Select the most willing, articulate people you can. And
    always ask permission of the people you ask to be references before
    including their names on your reference list.

    After choosing and contacting references, type a list providing their
    names, addresses, telephone numbers, and relationship to you. Bring
    copies of this list with you to interviews.
    When people agree to be references, help them to help you. Provide a
    copy of your resume or application to remind them of your important
    accomplishments.Tell them what kinds of jobs you are applying for so
    they know what types of questions to expect.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    When responding to the interviewer, avoid giving vague answers such as,
    "I want to work with people" (or animals, or cars, or whatever the job
    entails). Instead, describe the specific ways you want to work with
    them. You might also give examples of how you have successfully done so
    in the past. Focus on your strengths, but always tell the truth.

    Responding to interview questions allows you to describe your best
    work-related characteristics.

    Many employers use resumes as guides, asking for additional details
    during the interview. In addition to finding out more information, they
    may be trying to see how well you can communicate your work to others.

    Some interviewers ask questions about real-life job situations. For
    example, they might ask candidates for a retail job how they would
    handle customer complaints.

    Rather than trying to stay in control, let the interviewer direct the
    session. Listen attentively, and be sure to answer the question asked.
    Watch the interviewer's mannerisms for clues about whether to elaborate
    or keep your responses short.

    Some jobseekers are so focused on specific answers, they forget to relax
    and connect with the interviewer. An interview should be
    conversational. However, that does not mean you are expected to speak
    without pause. You should stop to consider an answer before responding
    to difficult or unexpected questions. And if a question is confusing,
    ask for clarification.

    Turning the tables. At some point, usually toward the end of the
    interview, you will have the opportunity to ask your own questions. This
    is your chance to find out more about the company. After all, you may
    have to decide if you want to work there. Some questions you might want
    to ask include:

    * Who would supervise me?

    * Can you describe a typical assignment?

    * Are there opportunities for advancement?

    * How do you train employees?

    * What do you like most about working for this company?

    An interview is not the time to inquire about salary or benefits. You
    don't want to seem more interested in financial rewards than in
    contributing to the company. If asked about salary requirements, try to
    convey flexibility. The best time to discuss earnings is after you have
    been offered the job.

    Before leaving the interview, make sure you understand the next step in
    the hiring process. Find out whether there will be another round of
    interviews, whether you should provide additional information, and when
    a hiring decision will be made.

    Finally, be sure to thank the interviewer. And if you are interested in
    the job, say so.

    "Fuzzy slipper" interviews

    For some interviews, what you wear makes no difference at all. Many
    employers conduct preliminary interviews over the telephone. This
    arrangement gives employers an opportunity to find the best prospects
    before investing time, effort, and, in some cases, expense in arranging
    a face-to-face interview.

    Telephone interviews are especially common for jobs that are out of
    State, attract many applications, or require a good telephone demeanor.
    A phone interview is similar to a traditional interview, but it poses
    special challenges.

    If your phone has a call-waiting feature, consider disabling it the day
    of the interview. You do not want to put the interviewer on hold, and
    persistent callwaiting beeps are distracting. Take advantage of being on
    your home turf by having your resume, pen, paper, appointment calendar,
    notes, and reminders within easy reach.

    Remember to speak clearly and listen attentively, just as you would if
    you were meeting with the interviewer in person. Even though no one can
    see you, your voice betrays attitudes and confidence; sometimes, sitting
    up straight can help project enthusiasm over the phone.

    At the end of the interview, express your willingness to speak with the
    employer in person. This is important, because most employers prefer to
    meet with a potential employee face to face before hiring.

    Following up

    Even after the interview is over, your task is not complete. Secure a
    good impression by sending a thank you letter to the interviewer. It is
    best to send the letter within 2 days of the interview, but any time is
    better than none.

    Thank you letters should be brief --less than one page-and may be hand
    interest in the job. For a sample letter, see page 21.

    Send a thank you letter within 2 days of the interview.

    Most thank you letters have three main paragraphs.

    * The first paragraph is your chance to thank the interviewer for
    meeting with you and to show enthusiasm for the job. Some suggest
    refreshing the interviewer's memory by mentioning the date of the
    interview and the position for which you applied.

    * The second paragraph is for you to briefly reiterate a few skills that
    make you well suited for the job. You might also mention a topic from
    the interview that was especially interesting to you. Also, include
    any important information you forgot to mention during the interview.

    * The third paragraph is where you thank the interviewer again, give
    your phone number, and state that you look forward to hearing from him
    or her.

    Write or type the letter on solid white, off-white, or gray stationary.
    Use a stan-dard business format. Put a colon after the interviewer's
    name and a space after each paragraph. And don't forget to sign your
    first and last name.

    Many employers say an e-mailed thank you letter is acceptable if e-mail
    correspondence was exchanged between the interviewer and the candidate.
    Other-wise, an e-mail message should not substitute for standard mail
    in most situations.

    Address the letter to the person who interviewed you, and make sure to
    spell his or her name correctly. If a group interviewed you, write
    either to each person you spoke with or to the person who led and
    coordinated the interview, mentioning the other people you met.

    Finally, be sure to proofread the letter, and ask someone else to
    proofread it for you, too. Interviewers tell tales of misspelled,
    misused words written in thank you letters that tarnish the image of an
    otherwise impressive candidate. As you write your thank you note, remind
    yourself that you might be writing to your next supervisor.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Job fairs - So many companies, so little time

    Job fairs, like interviews, are face-to-face meetings between jobseekers
    and employers. They are one of the easiest places to find good job
    leads. Every employer attending is there to hire one or more workers.

    At a fair, jobseekers gather information about a company to help them
    decide if they want to apply for a job. Recruiters staff booths and
    answer questions, distribute brochures, accept resumes, and size up

    Making a good impression at a job fair may give your resume or
    application added weight. The following tips can help you make the most
    of any fair.

    Find the fair. Career centers, associations, State and local
    governments, and private companies organize job fairs. Find the fairs
    in your area by looking everywhere they might be announced. Ask a
    career counselor, review the business bulletin board at your school or
    local library, check the employment section of the newspaper, and search
    online via an Internet job fair locator.

    Ready your resume. Before attending a fair, you should prepare a
    resume. Bring several copies to the fair. Leave at least one with
    every company that seems promising.

    A resume lists your name, contact information, education, and
    experience, both paid and unpaid. It emphasizes accomplishments and
    skills. Most resumes for entry-level jobs are one page.

    For more information, see the article "Resumes, applications, and cover
    letters in the summer 1999 00Q, available as a reprint or online at Summer/art0l.pdf. or

    Dress neatly. A job fair is like a series of mini-interviews, with
    recruiters forming impressions of the people they meet. You might not
    need to wear a suit, but clothes that are too casual could be a strike
    against you. Clothes that are too short, too tight, too worn, or too
    playful are particularly risky. If you are unsure about what to wear,
    ask a career counselor or someone from the organization sponsoring the

    Go alone. Leave children and other relatives at home. If you plan to
    attend the fair with a friend, don't appear to be inseparable when
    visiting booths. A professional image is easier to maintain if you speak
    to employers alone.

    Survey the terrain and plot a strategy. When you arrive, take a quick
    walk through the fair. Time is limited, and booths are crowded. Plan a
    route before stopping at booths to see your favorite companies. Save
    visits with the best prospects until after you've warmed up with a few
    other employers.

    To make the best use of your time, ask for a list of participating
    companies a few days before the fair, and rank visits before you arrive.

    Complete applications flawlessly. When a company distributes
    application forms, take two. Once will be a rough draft. If you bring
    an application home to send late, consider adding a note saying you met
    the recruiter at the fair.

    Master the mini-interview. Every time you speak with an employer, no
    matter how briefly or how boisterous the atmosphere, consider it an
    interview. Recruiters will expect you to introduce yourself, shake hands
    confidently, answer questions about your coursework or experience, and
    have an idea of the type of job you want.

    Finding out about the company is equally important. You might ask what
    the hiring process is like or what jobs are available for people with
    your education.

    Before you leave the booth, be sure to ask for the recruiter's business

    Take notes. After visiting several booths, it's easy for conversations
    to run together, leaving any jobseeker muddle-headed. After each visit,
    take a few notes to read at home.

    Stay organized. Fairgoers are deluged with paper-company literature,
    recruiters' business cards, applications, and their own notes. Bring a
    briefcase, an expandable folder, or a canvas bag to keep materials
    organized. Counselors suggest going through these papers while your
    memory is still fresh.

    Apply in absentia. If you cannot attend the job fair, contact the
    sponsoring organization. The sponsor may be able to give your resumes
    to participating employers before or after the fair.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Sample thank you letter

    John Ryan [Use a standard business format]
    15 Spring Road
    Hamlet, LS 41112

    August 25, 2000

    Ms. Susan Carson [Spell the interviewer's name correctly]
    Hamlet Child Development Center
    Hamlet, LS 41112

    Dear Ms. Carson:

    [Thank the interviewer]

    Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you yesterday afternoon.
    I am very interested in the childcare position you described.

    [Highlight your qualifications]

    My child development classes, summer jobs, and recent volunteer work as
    a storybook reader at the community center have prepared me well for
    a preschool teaching position. I am especially interested in the field
    trip program you mentioned. I would welcome the opportunity to
    contribute to that effort. [Express interest in the job]

    I enjoyed meeting you and your staff and look forward to hearing from
    you soon. If I can provide any additional information, please call me at
    (555) 555-5555. Thank you again for your time and consideration.

    [Place your phone number near the end]

    Sincerely, [Sign your first and last name]

    John Ryan
    [Ask someone to proofread the letter before you send it]

  6. #36
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    Nov 2005

    Default Third-Party Recruiters

    A Student's Guide to Interviewing With Third-Party Recruiters

    As you conduct your job search you will find that some employers hire third-party organizations to assist them in identifying and hiring college students. An employer can hire a third-party organization to do on-campus recruiting, represent the company at a job fair, screen job candidates who apply through an Internet web site, or other hiring activities. Many college career centers allow third-party recruiters to work with students through their offices. Some have special policies that apply to how, when, and where third-party recruiters can work with students. Check with your career center for more information.

    The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) defines third-party recruiters as "agencies, organizations, or individuals recruiting candidates for temporary, part-time, or full-time employment opportunities other than for their own needs." Categories of third-party recruiters include:

    * Employment Agencies: Employment agencies list positions for a number of organizations and receive payment when a referred candidate is hired. The fee for listing a position is paid either by the firm listing the opening or by the candidate who is hired. If the job listing does not include the phrase "fee paid," be sure to ask who pays the fee before signing any papers.
    * Search Firms: A search firm contracts with employers to find and screen qualified persons to fill specific positions. The fee is paid by the employer. Search firm representatives will identify the employer they represent.
    * Contract Recruiters: Employers hire contract recruiters to represent them in the recruiting and employment function.
    * Resume Referral Firms: A resume referral firm collects information on job seekers and forwards it to prospective employers. Data can be contained in resumes or on data forms (either paper or electronic). The employer, job seeker, or both may pay fees. You must give the firm written permission to pass your resume to employers. Your permission should include a statement that expressly states to whom and for what purpose the information can be used.

    Questions to Ask

    A third-party recruiter may be helpful to you in your job search, but be a wise consumer. Read all materials carefully. Ask questions. Ask your career services office staff for information. Ask a lawyer to read any contracts you are asked to sign. Here are some general questions you may want to ask:

    1. How many job openings are there for someone in my field? If you have the opportunity, inquire about the positions being filled or the number of openings related to your field. These are important questions because, in some instances, recruiters may not really have the type or number of openings they advertise. They may be more interested in adding your name to their candidate pool as a means of attracting more employers or clients to their services. Or they may be collecting resumes from students for potential job opportunities. Your school may or may not not allow third-party recruiters to interview students unless they are trying to fill actual job openings.
    2. How is this information being used? A third-party recruiter is allowed legally to share your resume with the contract employer for positions that you are actually seeking. The recruiter must tell you, in clear terms, that your materials and information will not be shared outside the organization or used for any purpose other than with the company they represent at the time they interview you. The third-party recruiter cannot sell your information to anyone else. You may choose to authorize the recruiter to share your data elsewhere, but your authorization should be given to the recruiter in writing.
    3. Are candidates treated equally and fairly? If you are qualified for the job opportunity, the third-party recruiter must pass your information to employers without regard to your race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
    4. Who pays the fee? Before you agree to anything or sign a contract, ask the recruiter who will pay the fee.

    For assistance with these questions or other related topics, contact the career center on your college or university campus.

  7. #37
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    Nov 2005

    Default Preemployment Inquiries—Disability

    Preemployment Inquiries-Disability

    See also information about Handling Illegal Questions
    Illegal Questions

    Legal Questions
    Do you have any disabilities?

    Do you have a disability that would prevent you from performing the essential functions of the job with or with an accommodation?
    Are you able to perform the essential functions of the job?
    Please complete the following medical history as part of the application process.

    Have you had any recent or past illness or operations? If yes, list and give dates.

    What was the date of your last physical
    exam? What medications do you take?
    As part of the hiring process, after a job offer has been made, you will be required to under go a medical exam. The results will remain confidential and will only be used if emergency medical treatment is necessary or to assist in the determination of a job accommodation, if needed.
    Are you able to sit? Can you sit for four hours at a time? (Assuming this is an essential function of the job.)
    Can you carry objects? Can you carry three-pound boxes to the copier? (Assuming this is an essential function of the job)
    Are you color blind? Can you distinguish between color bands? (Assuming this is an essential function of the job.)
    What is your corrected vision?
    When did you lose your eyesight?
    How did you lose your eyesight?
    Do you have 20/20 vision? (If this is a job requirement.)
    Do you see a psychiatrist for stress? How well can you handle stress?
    Are you an alcoholic?
    How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?
    Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
    What is wrong with your leg? How did you break your leg? ( If it is obvious the person's leg is broken because the person is wearing a cast)
    How often were you sick? What was your attendance record?
    Can you demonstrate how you would perform the following job functions?
    Why do you use a wheelchair and will we have to make any accommodations for the wheelchair? Will you need any accommodation to participate in the recruiting process?
    Tell me all of your disabilities. What are your job skills, educational background, and prior work experiences?

  8. #38
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    Nov 2005

    Default Interviewers' Favorite Questions...and Answers

    Interviewers' Favorite Questions...and Answers

    You’re wearing your best interview suit and facing your best friend, who’s wearing the most inscrutable hiring-manager face she can muster. You’ve carefully positioned a video camera to record your every move. All is in place for your mock interview.

    “Tell me about yourself,” your friend/interviewer intones, adjusting her glasses and gazing steadily into your eyes.

    What should you tell her? What would you tell a real recruiter or hiring manager?

    “Don’t tell me where you were born and raised,” says Jonathan Ferguson, assistant director of career services at George Washington University and a veteran of countless mock interviews with students. “Don’t tell me that you were a cheerleader. Focus on your academics and experience. Ask yourself, ‘what are the top five things I want this person to know about me?’”

    Ferguson says that while many recruiters ask questions that are a bit more pointed than “tell me about yourself,” it’s still likely to come up in many interviews and it’s best for students to prepare for it.

    What other kinds of questions do recruiters ask? Following are 10 more, plus ideas for how to answer or the kinds of competencies the interviewer is seeking, courtesy of Ferguson and three experienced campus recruiters.

    1. What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

    “I want to hear something related to retail,” says Haley Peoples, college relations manager for JC Penney Co. Inc. in Dallas, Texas. “I don’t want to hear ‘I want to be an astronaut’ or ‘I want to win the Academy Award.’”

    Peoples says the question is designed to help the interviewer know if the job seeker will be happy in that position, or if he or she wants to work in it only as long as it takes to find something “better.”

    2. How do you make yourself indispensable to a company?

    “We are looking for both technical and interpersonal competence,” says Doris J. Smith-Brooks, recruiting and advertising manager for Boeing Co. in Seattle, Washington.

    Smith-Brooks explains that students who have interned or completed cooperative education assignments generally answer the question best because they know what working for a company entails.

    3. What’s your greatest strength?

    “Don’t just talk about your strength—relate it to the position,” Ferguson says. “Let them know you are a qualified candidate.”

    4. What’s your greatest weakness?

    “Say something along the lines of, ‘I have difficulty with this thing, and these are the strategies I use to get around it,” Ferguson says. “For example, you could say, ‘I’m not the most organized of individuals, so I always answer my e-mails and phone calls right away. I’m aware of the problem and I have strategies to deal with it.”

    5. Tell me about a time when your course load was heavy. How did you complete all your work?

    “We generally are looking for an answer like, ‘Last semester I was taking 21 credits, so I made sure I had a day planner and mapped out all my assignments,’” says Felix J. Martinez, senior staff recruiter at Abbott Laboratories in Abbott Park, Illinois. “We’re looking for a plan-ahead kind of individual, not someone who just flies by the seat of his pants.”

    Martinez says recruiters at Abbott Laboratories use the STAR method of interviewing, which involves getting the interviewee to describe a situation that includes a task that needed to be accomplished, the action taken to accomplish the task, and the result of that action.

    “We actually tell the candidate, so they’re aware of what we’re looking for,” he says, adding that the approach can help candidates focus on their answers.

    6. Tell me about a time when you had to accomplish a task with someone who was particularly difficult to get along with.

    “I want to hear something that shows the candidate has the ability to be sensitive to the needs of others but can still influence them,” Peoples says, adding that he’s heard plenty of wrong answers to that question. “Don’t say ‘I just avoided them’ or ‘They made me cry.’”

    7. How do you accept direction and, at the same time, maintain a critical stance regarding your ideas and values?

    Smith-Brooks repeats that internship or co-op experience can give students the experience to answer that question, pointing out that students with good interpersonal skills honed on the job can understand how to walk that fine line.

    8. What are some examples of activities and surroundings that motivate you?

    “Most of our technical disciplines are teamwork professions and require getting along with and motivating other people,” Smith-Brooks says.

    9. Tell me how you handled an ethical dilemma.

    “Suppose you worked at a bank and a long-time customer wanted a check cashed right away but didn’t have the fund balance in his account to cover the check,” Martinez says, explaining that if the bank’s policy prohibited cashing checks in that manner, the teller would have a choice of violating bank policy or alienating a good customer.

    Martinez says the best way to handle such a situation would be to go to a supervisor, explain the situation, and ask for advice. He adds that students who can’t offer a situation that they handled correctly the first time can explain how they learned from making mistakes.

    “Explain that the next time, this was how you handled it,” he says.

    10. Tell me about a time when you had to resolve a problem with no rules or guidelines in place.

    “I’m looking for a sense of urgency in initiating action,” Peoples says, explaining that the question probes a student’s ability to overcome obstacles.

    For Peoples, students offering the best answers to the question describe a retail-related problem.

    “I’m looking for the right thing in terms of customer service,” he says.

  9. #39
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    Nov 2005

    Default Core Java Interview Questions

    Core Java Interview Questions

    Here are few interview questions in core Java that I usually ask while interviewing...

    1. What are the different types of inner classes?

    2. In which case would you choose a static inner class?

    3. What is the differnce between final, finally and finalize?

    4. What is externalization? Where is it useful?

    5. Explain the Exception heirarchy in Java.

    6. How do you identify if a duplicate element is being added in a Set?

    7. In which case will you may have to write a private inner class and why?

    8. If there are 2 classses A and B, while Class A has 2 methods a1() and a2() and Class B has 2 methods b1() and b2(). Consider a case where both b1() and b2() are synchronized. What happens when A.a1() calls B b = new B(); b.b1(); and A.a2() calls B b = new B(); b.b2()?

    9. If there are 2 classses A and B, while Class A has 2 methods a1() and a2() and Class B has 2 static methods b1() and b2(). Consider a case where both b1() and b2() are synchronized. What happens when A.a1() calls B.b1(); and A.a2() calls B.b2()?

    10. If there are 2 classses A and B, while Class A has 2 methods a1() and a2() and Class B has a static method b1() and a non-static method b2(). Consider a case where both b1() and b2() are synchronized. What happens when A.a1() calls B.b1(); and A.a2() calls B b = new B(); b.b2()?

    11. What would you do if you need a synchronized HashSet?

    12. What is the use of anonymous class and when do you write it?

    13. When does JVM know that its time to kill itself?

    14. What are the various algorithms used for GC in Java?

    15. How do you avoid your class to be cloned?

    16. Do we have memory leaks problem in java? If not, why? If yes how to avoid them or fix them?

  10. #40
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    Nov 2005

    Default Java Internals and Design Pattern Questions

    1. What are ClassLoaders?
    [Ans] A class loader is an object that is responsible for loading classes. The class ClassLoader is an abstract class. Given the name of a class, a class loader should attempt to locate or generate data that constitutes a definition for the class. A typical strategy is to transform the name into a file name and then read a "class file" of that name from a file system. Every Class object contains a reference to the ClassLoader that defined it. Class objects for array classes are not created by class loaders, but are created automatically as required by the Java runtime. The class loader for an array class, as returned by Class.getClassLoader() is the same as the class loader for its element type; if the element type is a primitive type, then the array class has no class loader. Applications implement subclasses of ClassLoader in order to extend the manner in which the Java virtual machine dynamically loads classes.

    2. What is Service Locator pattern?
    [Ans] The Service Locator pattern locates J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) services for clients and thus abstracts the complexity of network operation and J2EE service lookup as EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) Home and JMS (Java Message Service) component factories. The Service Locator hides the lookup process's implementation details and complexity from clients. To improve application performance, Service Locator caches service objects to eliminate unnecessary JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) activity that occurs in a lookup operation.

    3. What is Session Facade pattern?
    [Ans] Session facade is one design pattern that is often used while developing enterprise applications. It is implemented as a higher level component (i.e.: Session EJB), and it contains all the iteractions between low level components (i.e.: Entity EJB). It then provides a single interface for the functionality of an application or part of it, and it decouples lower level components simplifying the design. Think of a bank situation, where you have someone that would like to transfer money from one account to another. In this type of scenario, the client has to check that the user is authorized, get the status of the two accounts, check that there are enough money on the first one, and then call the transfer. The entire transfer has to be done in a single transaction otherwise is something goes south, the situation has to be restored. As you can see, multiple server-side objects need to be accessed and possibly modified. Multiple fine-grained invocations of Entity (or even Session) Beans add the overhead of network calls, even multiple transaction. In other words, the risk is to have a solution that has a high network overhead, high coupling, poor reusability and mantainability. The best solution is then to wrap all the calls inside a Session Bean, so the clients will have a single point to access (that is the session bean) that will take care of handling all the rest.

    4. What is Data Access Object pattern?
    [Ans] The Data Access Object (or DAO) pattern: separates a data resource's client interface from its data access mechanisms adapts a specific data resource's access API to a generic client interface The DAO pattern allows data access mechanisms to change independently of the code that uses the data. The DAO implements the access mechanism required to work with the data source. The data source could be a persistent store like an RDBMS, an external service like a B2B exchange, a repository like an LDAP database, or a business service accessed via CORBA Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) or low-level sockets. The business component that relies on the DAO uses the simpler interface exposed by the DAO for its clients. The DAO completely hides the data source implementation details from its clients. Because the interface exposed by the DAO to clients does not change when the underlying data source implementation changes, this pattern allows the DAO to adapt to different storage schemes without affecting its clients or business components. Essentially, the DAO acts as an adapter between the component and the data source.

    5. How can we make a class Singleton

    A) If the class is Serializable

    class Singleton implements Serializable
    private static Singleton instance;

    private Singleton() { }

    public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {
    if (instance == null)
    instance = new Singleton();
    return instance;

    * If the singleton implements Serializable, then this
    * method must be supplied.
    protected Object readResolve() {
    return instance;

    This method avoids the object fro being cloned
    public Object clone() {
    throws CloneNotSupportedException ;
    //return instance;

    B) If the class is NOT Serializable

    class Singleton
    private static Singleton instance;
    private Singleton() { }

    public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {
    if (instance == null)
    instance = new Singleton();
    return instance;

    This method avoids the object from being cloned
    public Object clone() {
    throws CloneNotSupportedException ;
    //return instance;


    6. Can we make an EJB singleton?
    [Ans] This is a debatable question, and for every answer we propose there can be contradictions. I propose 2 solutions fo the same. Remember that EJB's are distributed componenets and can be deployed on different JVM's in a Distributed environment

    i) Follow the steps as given below

    * Make sure that your serviceLocator is deployed on only one JVM.
    * In the serviceLocator create a HashTable/HashMap(You are the right judge to choose between these two)
    * When ever a request comes for an EJB to a serviceLocator, it first checks in the HashTable if an entry already exists in the table with key being the JNDI name of EJB. If key is present and value is not null, return the existing reference, else lookup the EJB in JNDI as we do normally and add an entry into the Hashtable before returning it to the client. This makes sure that you maintain a singleton of EJB.

    ii) In distributed environment our components/Java Objects would be running on different JVM's. So the normal singleton code we write for maintaining single instance works fine for single JVM, but when the class could be loaded in multiple JVM's and Instantiated in multiple JVM's normal singleton code does not work. This is because the ClassLoaders being used in the different JVM's are different from each other and there is no defined mechanism to check and compare what is loaded in another JVM. A solution could be(Not tested yet. Need your feedback on this) to write our own ClassLoader and pass this classLoader as argument, whenever we are creating a new Instance and make sure that only one instance is created for the proposed class.This can be done easily.

    7. How is static Synchronization different form non-static synchronization?
    [Ans] When Synchronization is applied on a static Member or a static block, the lock is performed on the Class and not on the Object, while in the case of a Non-static block/member, lock is applied on the Object and not on class

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