Radhika Sarathkumar's upcoming production "Chennaiyil Oru Naal" has a star cast which includes Sarathkumar, Prakash Raj, Cheran, Prasanna, Nassar, Radhika, Rohini, Parvathi Menon and Remya Nambeesan. This is a remake of the Malayalam film "Traffic" which revolves around a story of how many stories come together with one pivotal incident.

The director for this film is Shaheed Khader and the producer Radhika tweeted, "Chenaiyil Oru Naal ready for release in Feb. Working on hectic mode, but proud of film with a strong message. Thanks team and director Shaheed."

Chennaiyil Oru Naal More stills

Keywords:Radhika Sarathkumar,Chennaiyil Oru Naal, Sarathkumar, Prakash Raj, Cheran, Prasanna, Nassar, Radhika, Rohini, Parvathi Menon , Remya Nambeesan,Traffic, Shaheed Khader ,Radhika,tamil film news