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Thread: Why is a Caste System necessary?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Why is a Caste System necessary?

    Why does India continue to use a Caste System?

    Does anyone see any changes to this in the future?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default SIMPLE


  3. #3


    So, what kind of preferences do they give the lower class now? From what I've read, it's more about discrimination than preferences.

    What are the similarities and differences between this system and apartheid?

    Sorry, I don't live in India and I've never visited the country, yet. However, I am quite interested in this topic.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Thats because u high caste paranoid morons would never let a low caste person excel no matter how intelligent he is.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by glassydreams
    Thats because u high caste paranoid morons would never let a low caste person excel no matter how intelligent he is.
    Hey Glassydreams!! Please no more derogatory comments. That stings buddy. Please try to put your point in a way that doesn't heart the feelings of others. Please do not take it personally and I respect your feelings but as a sincere netizen, and a member of this forum, we expect you to maintain the dignity.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Re: Why is a Caste System necessary?

    Quote Originally Posted by elci
    Why does India continue to use a Caste System?
    India is one of the oldest civilization in the world and so the origin of caste system in India. This came into existence for smoother functioning of different functions in our society. Its a kind of social division on the basis of the jobs and responsibility the different sections of the society perform. There was nothing wrong with its concept and it went along well in the past.

    With the changing time, the thinking and the rules change or in other words, we have to accept the changes. But, it didn't happen in our case. In India we continued the age old system. Sometimes, it was the ignorance on the part of our society where we didn't acknowledge the need of changing time, lack of knowledge. At other times, it was the misguided society where politicians did their politics on the ground of casts. Thus, instead of getting any right directions, our innocent people became the easy victim of this elctoral card in the name of social justice.

    Quote Originally Posted by elci
    Does anyone see any changes to this in the future?
    Yes, I can see the changes in the near future. Take the example of Bihar, where the caste based politics failed in the recently held assembly elections. Similarly, in UP, the parties have realized that dividing the society on the basis of their caste will not work anymore and thus they are devising some other means. They can't fool the society for ever. Electronic media, the education system have played a crucial role in this reformation. With globalization, this will go a long way. Internet and the information revolution will surely help India come out of this age long problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by guest
    So, what kind of preferences do they give the lower class now? From what I've read, it's more about discrimination than preferences. Sorry, I don't live in India and I've never visited the country, yet. However, I am quite interested in this topic.
    Government have always tried to provide reservations to the people of India on the basis of their caste. It has been realized that their are some sections in our society who have the least representation in different sectors, thus reservations would ensure to make their voice heard. BUT government should have ensured that the elligible candiates may not be deprived of their rights in this new age of social justice. It didn't happen and as a result different upper sections of the society raged at this decision. This widened the gap between the different factions of our society. So, dear friend, hope you understand how the unjustified preference can be an obvious discrimination against others.

    Quote Originally Posted by guest
    What are the similarities and differences between this system and apartheid? Sorry, I don't live in India and I've never visited the country, yet. However, I am quite interested in this topic.
    Cast System in India has nothing to take with apartheid - "An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites."

    Thanks for your time for this long reading.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    The caste system is the best argument for why Hinduism is bad.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I think that the caste system in india should be put to an end. For eg, say a person got all facilities during his school and college days and for his work means that he should have improved a lot with the special reservation given to him. Then what is the point in asking the same facilities to his son and then to his grandson and to his grandgrandson and so on. this is just crap.
    Nobody in power is ready to ban this rule bcos of the votes they cast during elections. There are many political parties which run based on caste system. this is one of the reasons for india's delayed improvement in the world level.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Reservation based on economic background rather on caste

    This is a hot topic of debate whether we should provide reservations on caste based or merely based on the economic background of a person without taking his or her caste into the consideration.

    Sorry, if I am diverting the topic of debate that says "Why is a Caste System necessary?"

    In some countries I have seen that there is a provision wherein government provide allowances to the unemployed people. It is hard to imagine in Indian context where even the elligibles are without job. Few days back, one of my friend was telling that one Indian sued the Indian government. His case was simple - He was having all the required degrees even sometime much more than what is required by many jobs. Still he was jobless. So, the case was "Govt is unable to create enough job opportunity." According to my friend, that guy won the case (Anyway, in India anyone can win any kind of case against the government :-) .. that's another point of discussion) ans he was offered a job. I don't know the authenticity of this story, but seems quite true in today's context.

    Last month, Dev Gouda Ji.. the ex-prime minister of India was among the news for not good reasons. He was asking to take more and more local people in Software companies operating from Bangalore - Karnataka - India. It is politics. I know and if you are reading this - I understand that you would also accept it. So, leave alone the reservations on the basis of social status , economic status - there seems to be equal potential in luring voters on the basis of region.

    So, dear friend its a deep rooted problem whose solutions - at least I am not able to forsee.

    I believe, that there should be some reservations on the basis of their economic status - but a poor has no religion or caste and they are just called poor in India. There are no standards to quanitfy a poor. You would call a poor to a person who is dying of hunger, sickness or someone who has some qualification but not able to study further because he has no money to pay for his studies or poor are those guys who have been told since their childhood that you can;t achieve anything by getting good marks only you need favors at each and every step. THis is where a dream meets its pre-mature end.

    Its the time for each of us to make a difference in someone other by any means instead of waiting for a government to do something for us. That time will also come - I am proud to be an optimist - but lets do contribute our share to make our country a better place to live. I am sure that Caste, Religion and color, gender etc. based politics and differentiation would be a matter of past.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default “Why I am not a Hindu”(1996)

    I found the following discussion at the following source. It seemed to be releavant. Source :

    Ever since Dr.Kancha Ilaiah’s book “Why I am not a Hindu”(1996) was published, Ilaiah has become a celebrity for various Christian missionary, Islamist, Indian Marxist and other Hinduphobic groups.

    He has really hit on the Casteism in it belly.The book says"we had our own gods and festivals in childhood days, and only in school we were told about totally a new God Rama & Sita, and all those Hindu Gods were opposed to Dalit bahujans.He fires in all his cylinders against sanskrit,Food habit,SATI,Devdasi,Sankara mutts etc.True,even the Late Indian Prime Minister Indra Gandhi was not allowed to enter Puri Jeganath temple in the name of caste. Imagaine what for a lay man!!

    This book also move the hairlocks of the Brahmin villains from the back of the head to just in front of their ears.

    A critique article is available in this link

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