you need to wwait for the next 3rd email that come with your account ftp etc...this is only the second one for you to validate your account...and make sure you put the correct user name...
Type: Posts; User: sawanbanna
you need to wwait for the next 3rd email that come with your account ftp etc...this is only the second one for you to validate your account...and make sure you put the correct user name...
want to say hi..but come with Photoshop cs2? why not try on Introduction section?
welcome on board anyway!
what user name you are using? is it
if your account had been activated, you should be able to log-in
umh, don't know what's wrong on that...I don'thave any problem at all, I cann log on to Control Panel, FTP and through browsers[email protected]
you need to...
w3schools is good referent site...
and all you need is check out on "Developer" section...that's all you need everything!
of course! no doubt about it!
please visit this topic: and
bizhat don't offer any online html editors, you need to have your own html editor like dreamweaver and M$ frontpage etc...
I think they block your avi files because it's over limit on size...your files are about 2-3 MB on size!
you can see that "Time Splitters" (size 1.94MB) is working!
you will be able you view it ride the way after you have uploaded...still have a problem? clear you cache on your browsers!
the 3rd email will be on your inbox after your account created. confirm info account confirm on creating account give you all info about your account after your account...
umh..lot of people have problems on sign-up accounts, but you want to delete account!
yep, i fully agree with you on those appz...
when you register for hosting you will get 50MB automatically
bizhat support almost every language, you can use any languages on your site with no problem at all, I do use all Thai on my site too...just pick your font on your language! I think "Tahoma" is apply...
it's could be something that on the new please be patient, The support teams are working on the stay account also have the same problem...
that's cool...animations...good
are you using proxy servers?...if so you need to try the other proxy server...I have no problem with that at all...
I don't think netfreehost will allow you to upload avatars gallery, because vatars gallery need to upload the avatars images to the images/avatars/yourname folder....then import the gallery list to...
ah..look like we will have better and faster forum here!
I think the admin teams are working with it, I found that it happened after they change/upgrade/move the it would work very soon...!
you can also get winace with full version
you may need somthing like this...
if you don't want the visitor to see it, just encypt it!
lol..I can see that you are from Thailand..don't be shy...what would you need on your post here, just say hello to amin or what?
hehe what happen to you dude..?
look like they might accept your request good to hear that you are leaving us behind here