
Type: Posts; User: Michealleo

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  1. Replies

    Thanks for sharing some good info .... i Believe...

    Thanks for sharing some good info .... i Believe there's one more reason that's why peoples gain weight .... when they try to eat their food before going in bed . And it caused them to gain weight...
  2. Replies

    YEs i am agree that coffee is really good for...

    YEs i am agree that coffee is really good for health in some cases because of it's anti-inflammatory nutrient values .But still i wanna share something that excessive use of anything can be worse for...
  3. Replies

    Interesting post ... i am agree with u that...

    Interesting post ... i am agree with u that Dancing can he helpful for our muscles fitness because while dancing our all muscles being exercised . Dancing also helpful to cope with stress and for...
  4. Thanks for sharing some good info ... I know that...

    Thanks for sharing some good info ... I know that some foods are good for hair health . Foods like egg yolks , spinach , liver and carrots ... Because these foods having vitamin A nutrient values and...
Results 1 to 4 of 4