
Type: Posts; User: taavazhi

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  1. Forget petrol and LPG, duckweeds & azolla are...

    Forget petrol and LPG, duckweeds & azolla are here as the silverbullet

    At a time when availability of petroleum, cost & environmental issues of various energy sources are haunting the...
  2. Super plants – a solution to food-water-energy shortage

    According to some U.N. estimates, by 2030, a rapidly growing population in the world will need at least 50 percent more food, 45 percent more energy and 30 percent more water. Small aquatic plants...
  3. Give a man a LPG cylinder (with subsidy) and you...

    Give a man a LPG cylinder (with subsidy) and you provide him gas for a month. Give a man a biogas plant and you provide him cooking gas for a lifetime.

    We have been hearing for quite some time...
  4. Biogas from azolla biomass – the ultimate energy...

    Biogas from azolla biomass – the ultimate energy solution

    For centuries, rice farmers in China & Vietnam have been using azolla as a green manure in their wetland fields. The aquatic fern fixes...
  5. Biogas – not just cow power or poo power - it is renewable natural gas

    Many of us consider biogas as just gobar gas or poo power. We can extract many times more energy from other biodegradable wastes than that from cow dung. For example, 1 kg of food waste when...
  6. Replies

    How to create a tree on a web page?

    How to create a tree / directory structure on a web page?
  7. Replies

    Hello friends,

    I am in the process of creating a family tree consisting of about 7 generations, ie, about 5 generations above me.
Results 1 to 7 of 7