let me informe you that Aqua Teen hunger force is really not an anime, it is acartoon and I love Inuyashaand Love Hina
Type: Posts; User: animeworlddreams.bizhat.c
let me informe you that Aqua Teen hunger force is really not an anime, it is acartoon and I love Inuyashaand Love Hina
I was just wondering how long will it take to get the hosting? I already applied but still it says my account is validate when will it become active?
Have you read this book? I think it is a great book, i already read it 3 times, but there is too much stuff for a book like this. My opinion it is supposed 2 times as long. And during 24 hours all...
Global Warming - the movie, that's the description of it and in the beggining of the the movie the scientist predicts that what is predicted right now that after a 100 year Earth is gonna suffer a...
1.Lord of the Rings the Two Towers
2.Lord of the Ring the Return of the King
3.Spiderman 3
4.The Day After Tommorow
5.50 First Dates
Officialy my favorite movies are not seen in theaters like...
What do you think about this movie? If you haven't seen it yet go see t, because it is awsome and it is not for children. You could say it looks really childish, but the adults were the ones that...
I work in McDonalds and it was around 3 and there weren't a lot of people working, and it got a little busy. I was working at the counter taking orders, Katy was doing fries, Lisa (our manager was...
I want to be your friend, where are you from, how old, and what are the expectations? )Just Joking(
Hey any teenagers here want to talk a little bit? I speak only English and Lithuanian, so don't be shy tell something about yourselfs
I really like the japanese one, because it is the most original cover, probably it is because I am in love with Japan and it's language...
Hi I'm animeworlddreams.bizhat.c
I'll be 15 on august 14th,
I am from Lithuania but I moved to US a year ago
I love Anime and Manga, and reading, too nice to meet you people
Hi, I am new here and I just wanted to ask if someone likes anime and manga and what do you think about it?