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Thread: Vikram goes to Bollywood again

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    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Vikram goes to Bollywood again

    Vikram, who made his Bollywood debut with Mani Ratnam's Raavanan, has received a Bollywood call again. The Sethu star is all set to re-enter the Hindi film industry with Bejoy Nambiar's gangster-comedy movie, which is expected to take off in 2012.

    Chiyaan has confirmed the news and said that his next venture in the Bollywood would be Bejoy Nambiar's movie. The actor, however, refused to give further details about the movie, but claimed that the movie would kick-start some where in 2012.

    Bejoy Nambiar was former assistant to Mani Ratnam Guru and Raavanan. He made his directorial debut in Shaitan. The filmmaker says that he is still developing the project and he will announce once ever thing starts falling into places.

    Keywords:Vikram,Bollywood , Mani Ratnam's Raavanan,Sethu star ,Hindi film industry ,Bejoy Nambiar, gangster-comedy movie,Chiyaan ,Mani Ratnam Guru , Raavana,Shaitan,filmmaker .
    Last edited by sherlyk; 12-27-2011 at 04:17 PM.

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