Any gym home collection starts with a generous working space. Maybe a little room unused or the garage, if the construction allows i. These solutions could work but feel free to invent new ones.

After having individualized the area, start thinking of the equipment you might need. Here are some ideas that cost little .

A jump rope – this is a great idea for cardio exercises and from increasing resistance. It will cost you few money and can be used outside as well;

A step – with the help of a modern step or even with a simple box made out of a harder material such as wood it is possible to perform complex physical exercises for fabulous

A resistance band – these fitness tools are great for everybody at any moment. Made out of special materials, these bands will help you lose weight, invigorating the body.

An exercise ball – one of the most popular fitness equipment at the moment, these plastic balls can be used for stretching, stability, defined abs and an improved posture…not bad for a plastic ball!

A fitness mat – called by some also the yoga mat, these special mats are designed to protect you when performing exercises on the floor…comfort and protection in one!

And the list could continue with dumbbells, dvds and so on. So, take your time and study the options…the perfect silhouette is closer than you thought!

Here we come up with all sorts of interesting excuses, more or less true in the attempt of escaping or avoiding physical exercise.In this sense, the financial aspect is often invoked…that we don’t have enough money for the monthly subscription, that we have to buy new equipment for going at the gym .

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Keywords: gym, home collection, garage,equipment, ideas,jump rope,cardio exercises, money , box, wood ,physical exercises, fabulous, materials,weight, body,exercise ball,plastic balls , fitness mat, yoga mat, dumbbells, dvds