Sound Improver improves sound quality of WAVE. Most sounds of CDs are broken. Sounds breaks by passing a microphone and an electric circuit. This software restores a broken sound.
The WAV file must be 16 bit/stereo 44.1kHz format. Uninstallation only deletes the folder of the Sound Improver.
How to use:
You can drop wave files on the dialog box of Sound Improver or you can open a wave file from menu. You can open 100 WAVE files by one drag and drop. The WAVE file by which sound quality has been improved is made to the same folder as the original WAVE file. As for the WAVE file name by which sound quality has been improved, "x_" is attached to the head of the original WAVE file name. For example, it is set to "x_abc.wav" when the original WAVE file name is "abc.wav".
You can make the WAVE file for 1 minute until you register. For example, in the case of the music for 3 minutes, the first 1 minute becomes a WAVE file.

Keywords:Sound Improver,WAVE, sounds of CDs,Sounds breaks , microphone ,electric circuit, software restores, broken sound,wave files, folder