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Thread: What is AIDS/HIV ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Kerala, India

    Default What is AIDS/HIV ?

    Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a human disease due to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). There is two types of HIV : HIV -1 (more infective) & HIV - 2. The HIV virus affects the CD4 and T cells which are vital in defending the immune system.

    AIDS was first clinically observed in 1981 in US. More than 36 million deaths were reported (as of 2012).

    World AIDS Day, observed on 1 December every year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. The red ribbon is a symbol for solidarity with HIV positive people (those living with AIDS).

    Symptoms : Influenza like illness is the initial common symptom found within one month to exposure of the virus. Other symptoms include fever, large tender lymph nodes, throat inflammation, headache, sores of the mouth and genitals. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea for a period of two weeks.

    These symptoms can also may be due to some other diseases. So those who have risk factors for infection may be tested accordingly.

    This will be followed by a long period without any symptoms (Clinical latency period, may vary from 3 to 20 years). As the disease progresses, immune system will be affected severely and tumors will be formed.
    Kaposi's sarcoma is the most common cancer occurring in 20 % of HIV infected. Infection of TB is also found.

    :Unprotected sexual intercou
    rse, blood transfusion, unsterile usage of syringes, mother to child during breast feeding etc.

    Misconceptions : Many still avoids reading or searching AIDS related information fearing infection!.

    AIDS is not transmitted by
    shaking hands, hugging, sharing food, door knobs, towel, swimming pool, toilet seat etc with an infected person.
    Saliva, sweat, tears, sneezing, spitting, urine etc don't transmit the disease.
    Mosquitoes and other insects do not transmit the disease.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Kerala, India

    Default HIV testing

    HIV testing/Diagnosis : For privacy, there are two procedures for HIV testing: confidential testing and anonymous testing.

    Most HIV infected will form antibodies in their body within 3 months of initial infection. Initial detection by ELISA (
    enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay) test. A blood sample that tests positive twice with the ELISA is re-tested with more confirmatory laboratory tests such as the Western Blot or by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test.

    If your test results are negative it means no HIV antibodies were found in your blood. However it takes about 1 to 6 months after a person is infected for HIV antibodies to form. This means that a person recently infected can have a negative HIV test. If you are in a "high risk" category or suspect you may have been exposed to the AIDS virus you may want to be tested again 6 months after your last exposure.

    A positive HIV test does not mean that you necessarily have AIDS now but you could have it in the future. The main thing is not to panic. Tell your doctor and dentist so they will be able to give you the best possible care.

    Cure :

    For surveillance purposes, the AIDS diagnosis at the earliest is required.
    High active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) can slow down the progress of the disease. With treatment there is a 70% reduced risk of acquiring tuberculosis. For more info

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Kerala, India

    Default Message to readers

    AIDS is a very dangerous disease. Sex is a divine gift.

    Getting isolated from the loving family, friends and society at an early age is not that much easy.

    No excuse other than death penalty for the mistake!. Life is too precious.

    For AIDS diagnosis and free treatment contact Kerala State AIDS Control Society

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