I want to create a comment form to add to my website here:


I want to apply it to the main page.... which is html, so that means nothing that requires php or mysql, because I'm about 80 posts short of upgrading. I'm not sure if this is possible, but I figure I'd see if you all had any ideas. (If you tell me to search google, been there, done that, though my search terms may have been wrong if I missed something obvious)

So, assuming this is possible, I want to add a field that displays below the main post and has the comments showing up on the main page, not the often seen link to another page where you can view the comments. I don't care about validating or moderating comments. I just want the users to be able to fill out the form w/ a name (generated then, not permanent) and post, which when they click submit, shows up on that page above the form. I don't care about the order of the comments based on time or anything, at this point I'd be happy to find anything that works.

Thanks in advance,