what are you all using? Mine has a simple design, but i used photshop. I have knowlege of both photoshop, and adobe illustrator.
what are you all using? Mine has a simple design, but i used photshop. I have knowlege of both photoshop, and adobe illustrator.
I use both Paint Shop Pro 8, Photoshop CS
Never got to the point of using Illustrator
create a poll for u
thanks for the poll, ive only used illustrator in my graphic design classes, it seems to me it wouldnt really work online because it is a vecor based program, mainly used to make graphics then photoshop edits them.
I vote for Adobe Photoshop 7
tricky_linux, how is Photoshop 8 ? Never used it, How you compare it with version 7 ?
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each version has their own goodies
but i like Photoshop CS just because it's the latest one
they said there is this two feature which you can reassemble pictures with difference size but all from the same picture to it's original state.
and another one is color changing
say there is a woman who is wearing red, with shadows and etc.
cs can change it to blue or whatever without lossing anything like shadow, curves and etc.
all these sounds good to me, but i never got to the point of actually using it
i heard a guy who is a graphics designer of some kind use all versions of photoshop, 6-cs for editing
he said everyone has there own unique feature, but i don't get it since i never used it for a long time.
illustrator should work just like photoshop does
don't know what you actually did, but you have to export the image to .jpg or other common format in order for the browser to display
you don't seem to have an option for 'the gimp' ...my favourite
ive tried that but it seems pretty difficult, but then again i didnt try and figure it out very long...
GIMP option is been added
i only used v.1 which was pretty difficult for me.
people said there is a big difference between version 2 and 1
don't know what do you use
I didn't use v1 very much, but there doesn't seem to be too many differences