Default Very Cheapest food in India,Only for very Poor People But we can't able to Eat
Very Cheapest food in India,Only for very Poor People But we can't able to Eat

Only place in India where food is cheap?

Tea 1.00 Rs.

Soup 5.50 Rs.

Dal 2.00 Rs.

Meals 2.00 Rs.

Chapatti 1.00 Rs.

Chicken 24.50 Rs.

Dosa 4.00 Rs.

Veg Biryani 8.00 Rs.

Fish 13.00 Rs.

These items are made for poor people & available at Indian Parliament Canteen. Salary of those poor people is 1.2 lakh/month and crores of travelling expenses and other expenses.

This food provides enough energy to have koda, Radia, kalmadi, Raja and the list goes on and on.....