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Thread: Can anyone check out my site!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    San Bernardino, CA

    Default Can anyone check out my site!!!

    Check it out and tell me what you think, how can I improve it and what I have to do to make it more popular. :diabloanifire:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Your Website

    I'm no expert but i like your site. I used to think that black is a cheesy colour for your background but it works brilliantly with the blue. I also like the simplicity of the banner and the lines bordering the seperate items.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Good site!

    You made a small typo :)

    ''Foums'' ;)

  4. #4


    Your sites good in my opinion. Much better than mine, but mine sucks(you can check it out at ). A couple of problems you have is that you should provide details and info on downloads, such as the templates. Nobody knows what they're going to download, and a lot of people have dial-up, so it takes a while.
    To SSM: Black is the best color for a backround. A white, yellow, or bright-colored backround is like staring straight into a lightbulb, black is easier on the eyes. A dark blue or green would also work, but black is best. If you want a black backround, however, you should get a color that stands out and looks good. Green and red stand out and look good the best, but blue also matches nicely.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Default Excellent mate!

    Just an excellent website, simple, easy to load, good CSS layout!

    For your comfort, consider:

    Doing an external CSS file and not an internal one, for the external one is a real time saver, also cleans up your source page.
    Putting everything in frames maybe? - I know you think there might be a problem with that, but as the website expands you'll need to copy & paste a lot more pages.. Even if you change a little single letter in your menu, you need to go over all the pages and update them... :( painful job if you ask me.
    Frames will save you more time and you can hide them, and do a no-resize attribute so it'll look exactly as your site looks now!

    Design comment, for your consideration:

    put everything in the middle of the page no in the far away left? - just an opinion, I think it'll look better, but it's your website and it looks good anyway!!

    Good website - honest! Me!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    San Bernardino, CA


    Thanks guys for the reviews, also my site at first was very simple. It took me a while to get up like this but after a while you learn some html and make it better. You guys are doing a good job in your sites. Keep going.


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