‘Rehab’ singer Amy Winehouse has been accused of bombarding ex-hubby Blake Fielder-Civil with sex texts by his angry fiancee.

Winehouse, 27, was accused by Sarah Aspin, 31, of Leeds, of constantly calling up Fielder-Civil, 29, and trying to have phone sex with him while he was lying in bed next to her.

“She needs to keep her hands off him. He is mine and we are a family now,” the Sun quoted Aspin, who has a baby son Jack with Fielder-Civil, as saying.

“I’ve had enough of her thinking she can click her fingers and get him back whenever she wants. She phones him when she is really out of it and her texts are even signed off ‘your wife’.

“I reckon Amy feels she’s got to pinch other girls’ fellas,” she added.

But a spokesman for the ‘Back to Black’ singer has claimed Fielder-Civil had been hassling her.

“She’s had to change her number. He has been calling her more than ten times a day. He uses a mobile in jail,” he stated.

Keywords: Rehab,singer Amy Winehouse, bombarding ,ex-hubbyBlake ,Fielder-Civil ,sex texts,angry fiancee,Sarah Aspin,Fielder-Civil,phone sex ,girls’ fellas,hassling her