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Thread: How to take care of a bird

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default How to take care of a bird

    Many bird food mixes are designed to be colorful and visually appealing. However, it’s best to choose a mix that includes a variety of ingredients that are required in your bird’s natural diet. For example, some birds thrive on a seed-based diet, while others prefer a diet that is fruit-based. Depending on your type of bird, you may have to use caution when selecting the proper bird food formula.

    Your bird’s cage should be fairly large, with enough room for three or four perches. It’s important to remember that your bird does need regular exercise, and enough space in their cage to fly comfortably between perches. Your bird’s cage can be either metal or plastic, though metal cages are much safer for many birds. Be sure that your metal cage isn’t coated in a potentially toxic paint, since many birds may chew at the bars of their cage.

    There are many fun and interactive toys that you can use to help entertain your bird. Toys can keep your bird occupied, which can prevent high stress levels and destructive behavior. Try to choose bird toys that have movable beads, mirrors and colorful attachments. However, it’s important to make sure that your bird’s toys are made of non-toxic material, and don’t present a choking hazard if accidentally swallowed.

    There are many different types of bird treats available for your bird, which come with a variety of flavors, ingredients and recipes. Commercial treats are the most popular for bird owners, due to their convenience and relatively low mess. When choosing a commercial treat, try to avoid any treats that include high fructose corn syrup or sugar as one of their top ingredients. Stick to treats that have whole grains, seeds, fruits and nutrient supplements. If you wish, you can also make your own bird treats from ingredients right in your own home. This can be a fun project, especially for young children.

    Keywords: bird food ,bird’s natural diet, seed-based die,bird’s cage,toxic paint, beads, mirrors, bird treats , flavors, ingredients , recipes, bird owners,fructose corn syrup ,sugar, grains, seeds, fruits , nutrient supplements.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Thanks for sharing these caring tips. these are very helpful.

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