Some tips to how you can take the bite out of uncomfortable summer days and nights with these easy tips for mosquito control.
Mosquitoes breed in water – the eggs hatch there while the larva and pupa live under the surface – so removing standing water in your backyard means mosquitoes are less likely to make your home their home. clear out gutters, buckets, outdoor toys, and baby pools, and replacing the water in birdbaths, fountains, and rain barrels every week to keep them fresh. If you have an in-ground pool, regular maintenance – like treatments and circulation – will help dissuade mosquitoes.
If you have a serious mosquito problem, then you can look into installing a misting system in your yard. These timed-interval or remote-controlled systems spray an insecticide mist that kills mosquitoes along with other insects. misting systems won’t keep new mosquitoes from making their way into your yard and haven’t been shown to decrease the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases. The pesticides used in the spray, including pyrethins and permethrin, will kill helpful insects along with mosquitoes and will also expose your family and pets to the chemicals .
They lure female mosquitoes via carbon dioxide, and then kill them before they are able to lay their eggs.The “devices will trap and kill measurable numbers of mosquitoes,” but your results may vary.Be cautioned against putting too much faith in traps as your sole means of control…It’s highly unlikely that these devices, whatever their improvements, will ever fully supplant organized community-wide mosquito control problems, for there is no single silver bullet that will prove to be the ultimate answer to mosquito problems.” For a lower-tech mosquito trap, follow these directions from Mother Earth News to build your own from covered buckets, spoiled fruit, and an insecticide.
The simplest way to keep yourself from ending up with a body full of bites is to make yourself unattractive to the mosquitoes, by using traditional repellents wearing long sleeves and long pants; closing gaps in screens and doors to prevent mosquitoes from getting into your house or porch; and burning citronella candles, which work best on days that aren’t too windy.
In monsoons, mosquitoes are a great threat to kids and elders as they multiply rapidly and spread diseases. Going to the garden or even outdoors is very scary for small babies and children. I am very thankful for the innovative Fabric Roll On by Goodknight.
It is safe as the main ingredient citronella and eucalyptus oil for mosquitoes are the best natural ingredient to keep the mosquitoes away.
It is something which I can apply to my kids and they are safe to play in the garden. It was truly impossible until now.