E-books have made many persons a very good income- some work only part-time.
If you have knowledge, why not try one? There are books that have sold successfully for the last 8 years and have made the owner more than 6-figure income.

Most e-books are sold using affiliate advertising. This meanings that your sell the book yourself, but those who buy get a commission for selling the book. You mail. Some e- books give 50% commission. You sell 10 per day and your affiliates sell 100. At $10, you could have made $600 per day. Most e-book sellers have more than one e-book titles. I saw one with over 90 titles.

The easiest way to sell e-books is to find someone who already had their one book store on the web and work out a deal. You can usually find them under e-books in a search engines.

You can also find helpful information in search engines under e-book writing, or e-books and then the general subject that you are looking to write about.

Here is a hint that you can use before you write an e-books. Write the ad copy before you write the e-books. You will learn of points that will be included that will sell in thousands. Also, start files of the ad copy for successful e-books. This could tell you if you have some of elements needed to make a success of your venture.

Another method is to offer 100% commission selling the ebook. An old headline reads "Collect $10 and keep $10--yes, every penny" How do you make money? From your sales and you place a dozen of ads or links in your e-book. One dealer sell 20-30 e-books per day in Ebay at $5. He also sends out (drop ship) about 200 per day from books that his affliates sell.

You must have a plan when marketing and writing your e-book. Brain storm and then write lists of things that should be in your books. Make a list of ideas for selling the book.

Recently, I received a free e-book. It moved all around-from subject to subject. It included the writers political stand on a dozen subjects) The reader wanted to make money not to learn viewpoints. Make sure you hit the bullseye -by making sure what the bullseye is.

Make sure you develop a number of offers to include with your e-book. If you sell 200 e-books per day, would you make $200 per day? That should be the goal. Well, maybe selling 2000 e-books?

Ross Reyman is both a publisher and writer. See his course at

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