Please complete questionaire and send to
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(1) Male or Female?
(b) What Campion films have you seen?
(c) Jane Campions In The Cut has been described as a lush, erotic masterpiece, her finest work since The Piano, would you agree with this comment and why?

(d) Can you see the similarities of Campions work in the movies The Piano and In The Cut? (please make reference)

(e) Campions singular vision is often described in terms of her womans sensibility, what do you think this means?

(f) Even in this post feminist era, would you say that the typical cinemagoer is still saturated in the male perspective? (yes/ no & any additional comments

(g) Would you agree, from the work seen so far, that Jane Campion takes risks (why?)

(h) How would you describe Campions relationship with her female audience?

(i) Do you feel that women such as Campion are helping or hindering the film industry?