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Thread: Not receiving new registration e-mail notification

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Not receiving new registration e-mail notification

    I have not received any new e-mail registration notifications at all today (1-9-08 ) although I have had at least a dozen or more. Why have I stopped receiving these notifications? I have my forum set so that Admin approval is required to activate any new accounts because of the HUGE amount of spam registrations I receive (at least 12!!!) per day EVERY day! I really need to receive these e-mail notifications so that I can delete these spam registrations (many with porn or drug links) immediately.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006


    I am STILL not receiving e-mail notifications of new forum registrations...even after I followed the "IF YOU NEED SUPPORT" guidelines posted as a sticky by Nokia, BizHat Admin! I used to get dozens of these notifications daily which immediately let me know of new registrations....both ligitimate and spammers. Why can we no longer receive board assistance and support from Admin and Moderators??? They just seem to completely ignore us these days! I am really getting sick and tired of fighting these spammers constantly with no support help whatsoever. Does anyone have a good suggestion for a really good forums hosting site with decent support (even if it is a paid site!) and instructions on how to get my entire (lock, stock and barrel), nearly 2 year old BizHat hosted forums board totally transferred over to it? I'm really ready for a change!!!

    Plus....has anyone else started getting millions of pop-up browser windows (even while using a Pop-Up Blocker!!!) for:
    - dozens of "Powered by ZEDO" sites (;w=800;h=600 &;w=300;h=250 just to cite a couple of them)
    - as well as numerous other ad sites featuring drugs, dating, sex and other assorted unwanted and unsolicited ad sites.
    The ones I posted came up just during the time I was writing this post!! I am now getting these regularly whenever I am working in my forums site. Does anyone else have this problem or is this unique to me? I never used to get this type of garbage!

    And has anyone else seen the forum ad topper for "greenesthost" found at: which was at the top of the BizHat forums while I was writing this post. Funny seeing an ad topper for another forums hosting site at the top of the BizHat site. I bookmarked it for future reference!

    I think it is time for me to move on and up to a better site so any suggestions anyone may have would be greatly appreciated!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Somehow I am now receiving e-mails alerting me to new registrations again. At least THAT problem has been mysteriously solved...thank goodness!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    I have never received a new registration email. :(

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006


    You have to set your forum so that new registrants can only be authorized by Admin. Then, you should receive e-mails letting you know when someone new registers.


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