Ingredients of Palappam

1. 2 cups of white rice
2.Half a coconut
3. 1 table spoon of yeast
4. Sugar
5. Salt
6. 2 table spoon of partially ground, cooked rice

Preparation of Palappam

1. Mix two cups of rice flour with 1 teaspoon of yeast and let it ferment for 4 hours.
2. Add 3/4 cup of milk,1/4 cup of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Stir the mix thoroughly.
3. Warm up the vessel called 'Palappam Chatti' (available in most Indian Stores)
4. Pour 5 tablespoons of this mix into the Chatti and rotate the Palappam Chatti by hand so that the mix spreads out evenly and in a circular fashion. Cover it with the lid and let it cook till the edges of the Appam turn slightly brown in color.
5. Enjoy the Palappam with vegetable stew, beef or chicken, or mutton stew.