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Thread: Hair oil treatment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default Hair oil treatment

    To make the hair look beautiful, research has been going on since ages and many new methods have been found for improving the hair texture and make them look all the more beautiful. The tradition to oil the hair is being carried out for centuries now.

    Whatever be the texture of your hair, it is necessary to oil your hair. Make sure that the does not remain applied in the hair for a long period of time because instead of enhancing the hair texture, it deteriots the hair condition. For example, it leads to accumulation of dust particles in hair, hair loss, dandruff etc. People with oily hair should apply the oil for 2 hours only and then wash it away because if applied for a longer period of time, it may lead to acre. For dry hair, apply almond or castor oil on the scalp. Castor oil is thick and it enhances the hair growth. Along with almond oil, it nourishes the hair. Vitamin E is found in this oil in good quantity.

    In case of dandruff, one should apply luke warm coconut oil and then apply some lemon juice on the scalp. After this, take steam.
    Oily hair should be massaged with coconut oil. Gooseberry (amla) oil helps removing the greying hair and enhances the hair growth. The Brighraaj oil is effective remedy in case of hair loss. This oil should be used in winters only otherwise it leads to boils on the scalp. The scalp is massaged with light hands in a circular motion. Don 't pull the roots of hair while massaging.

    How to apply hair oil

    * Before shampooing your hair, apply oil on the scalp or in your hair. For this, first part your hair in many parts and then apply oil with help of cotton.
    * It is necessary to apply oil on the scalp because for the right movements of massage, the scalp is required to be oily. After this, wash your hair with the help of a shampoo.
    * For removing the oil from your hair, don't use soap before shampooing.

    Hair oil should be applied or not

    * Oil acts as a very good conditioner for hair. It forms a protective layer over the hair. Thus, it is necessary to apply oil.

    * It becomes easy to comb the hair when oil is applied in the hair, and hair does not tangle.


    * Take 1 glass water and add 1 tsp honey to it. Now apply it to the hair. This acts as a leave-in conditioner so just leave it applied.

    * Apply the leave-in conditioner in oily hair. In the sieved water of tea leaves, add the juice of 1 lemon. Now apply it on the scalp and hair and do not wash it with water.

    * Massage the normal hair with coconut oil. Beat 1 egg in 2 tsp coconut oil, massage it on the hair and then wash it after 20 minutes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: Hair oil treatment

    Yeah you are correct. Using oil or hair is healthy process and hair can grow easily and quickly. I always prefer jasmine oil.


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