Hey girls

Just try these general beauty tips.

Quick and Easy Lip Shine
Rub a generous layer of Vaseline onto your lips and around them for a lasting lip shine; also prevents chapping and cold sores.

Reduce Pregnancy Stretch Marks
Aromatherapists recommend an anti-stretch mark concoction of 2 drops of both frankincense and myrrh, 5 drops of lavender, 3 drops of geranium and 2 fl. oz. of calendula carrier oil. This mixture may be applied to the breasts, stomach, buttocks, and thighs in the morning and at night, starting in the 2nd trimester.

Aloe Vera gel on sunburned areas helps soothe and heal.

Puffy Eyes & Under-eye Circle Remedy
Run a metal spoon under cold water then place on the puffy area for at least 1 minute. You can also apply hemorrhoid cream carefully to the puffy areas; make sure it does not get in your eyes. A great herbal treatment: place chamomile tea bags or cucumber slices over your eyes for 15 minutes and rinse well with cool water.

Dry Lip Ex foliation
Add lip brushing to your morning ritual using a soft toothbrush or terry washcloth. Now add some lip balm to smooth the way for lipstick-worthy lips!