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Thread: Best jokes

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Kerala, India

    Default joke

    Once there was a millionaire, who collected live alligators. He kept them in the pool in back of his mansion. The millionaire also had a beautiful daughter who was single.

    One day, the millionaire decides to throw a huge party, and during the party he announces, "My dear guests, I have a proposition to every man here. I will give one million dollars, or my daughter, to the man who can swim across this pool full of alligators and emerge unharmed!" As soon as he finished his last word, there was the sound of a large splash in the pool. The guy in the pool was swimming with all his might, and the crowd began to cheer him on. Finally, he made it to the other side of the pool unharmed.

    The millionaire was impressed. He said, "That was incredible! Fantastic! I didn't think it could be done! Well, I must keep my end of the bargain. Do you want my daughter or the one million dollars?" The guy catches his breath, then says, "Listen, I don't want your money! And I don't want your daughter! I want the asshole who pushed me in the pool!"

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    awesome funi jokes lol

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Kerala, India

    Default joke

    A popular airline recently introduced a special half rate fare for wives who accompanied their husbands on business trips. Expecting great feedback, the company sent out letters to all the wives of businessmen who had used the special rates, asking how they enjoyed their trip. Letters are still pouring in asking, "What trip?"

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    haha these are all so funny

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    haha i can't stop laughing

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Llllllllllllllol Isssssssss tHE BESSSSSSSSSSSSTTT

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Frog

    There is this guy who has a 25 inch dick. He goes to a witch in the woods and asks her if she can make his dick smaller because he just can't please the ladies because it is just too big, he hasn't found a lady yet who likes it and he can't get any pleasure.

    She tells him to go into the woods and he will find a frog when he finds the frog he is to ask it to marry him. If the frog says no, his cock will shrink 5 inches.

    He goes into the woods and finds this frog. He asks..

    "frog, will you marry me?"

    The frog says "no" And his prick shrinks five inches.

    The guys thinks to himself, "Wow, that was pretty cool. But, it's still too big." So he goes back to the frog and again asks the frog: "Frog, will you marry me?"

    Frog: "No, I won't marry you."

    The guys dick shrinks another five inches. But that's still 15 inches and he thinks his chop is still just a little bit too big. But he thinks that 10 inches would be just great. He goes back to the frog and asks: "Frog, will you marry me?"

    Frog: How many times do I have to tell you NO, NO, NO!!!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default A husband and wife

    A husband and wife and their two sons are watching TV. She looks at her husband and winks at him, he gets the message and says, "Excuse us for a few minutes boys, we're going up to our room for a little while."

    Pretty soon one of the boys becomes curious, goes upstairs and sees the door to his parents bedroom is ajar. He peeks in for a few minutes, trots downstairs, gets his little brother and takes him up to peek into the bedroom. "Before you look in there," he says, "keep in mind this is the same woman who smacked our asses just for sucking our thumbs."

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default lol

    LOL those jokes are damm good...

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    lolllllllllll =]
    good joke =]

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