rain comes and goes
like a friendship
but rain just disappears when it's over
f rain can be a bad friendship
i think we all get it
if it can be a good friendship

we don't see it that much, but it comes
if i see it then so will you
if it lands just under your eye and
rolls down your cheek
make sure you don't get it mixed
up with a tear
because that rain was a break-up

rain describes so much, but
mostly sadness
thats why it comes more than
sunny days
we all want sunny days but
mostly get rain

thats why rain makes us stronger
sun just makes you think nothing
bad will happen
but it's not a real friendship if nothing
bad happens

thats why we get rain a lot
so if you think about it,
it's good for us
but rain will still come and go
like a friendship

more stills

Keywords:rain,friendship , eye,cheek ,sadness ,sunny days ,stronger ,bad happens