After going through tough times, Bharathiraja's 'Annakodiyum Kodiveeranum' is finally nearing completion. The film, in which Parthiban was initially touted to play the lead, now features Manoj and Karthika Nair in the lead and actress Iniya is also a part of the cast.

The ambitious project has had multiple cast changes in the past with Parthiban, Ameer, Vinay, Priyamani and Parvathi Menon all being called upon before Bharathiraja finally settled on the current cast. Due to this, the film has been in production since August 2011 and we were beginning to wonder if it would see daylight. But things seem to be moving forward now and the film is in post production. G.V.Prakash Kumar will be taking care of the music and B. Kannan will be behind the camera.

Movie more stills

Keywords: Bharathiraja,Annakodiyum Kodiveeranum, Parthiban, Manoj , Karthika Nair,Iniya ,Ameer, Vinay, Priyamani, Parvathi Menon ,G.V.Prakash Kumar ,B. Kannan ,tamil film news, Kollywood film news, camera.