When working on SEO, you need to consider both Search Engines and Directories.
Search Engines are automated programs that go out and find sites and links automatically. An example of a search engine is Google.com

Directories are sites where humans physically review sites that are submit to them or go out and find sites to add to the directory. An example of a directory is DMOZ.org

The main difference in directories and search engines is the quality of the results. Before Google developed the PR, it was generally accepted that directories were superior to pure search engines. That is because directories contained far fewer websites…because they only contain websites that a real person judged to be relevant to the topic.

Anyway… DMOZ.org is unique because it relies on volunteers to be editors… and just about anyone who has a legitimate expertise in any topic can be an editor. All you have to do is find a category that needs an editor and volunteer to take charge of (or help out with) that category.

Every SEO expert wishes they could be on the inside of a major Search Engine like Google. While that is not likely to happen anytime soon, you can gain creditability and PageRank by becoming a dmoz.org editor.

Every editor gets links to their own home page from dmoz.org

Also, now that you are an editor you can add that to your bio or article resource box. Being recognized as the expert on that topic by a major directory will give you instant respect and your articles more creditability with your readers. Remember one of the keys to online sales is trust. Your online customers must know, like and trust you…before they will make a purchase.

Another way that you can use this to your advantage is to keep an eye on your competition. Since you will be reviewing the sites that are submit in your category, you will know immediately what other people in the marketplace are doing.

Lastly, how about building some strategic partnerships. Since you are reviewing a topic that you are already knowledgeable in, you can find sites that complement yours. Add them to the Dmoz directory, contact the webmaster and workout a separate advertising JV.