The Piano Man

A man walks into a cafe and sees a sign saying "PIANO PLAYER WANTED!"

He grabs the sign, and heads into the cafe and talks to the manager and says "I
play the piano and I'd like to work here at night." The manager say's "Well, I
have to hear you first." The man sits down at the piano and starts playing. The
manager begins to cry because it is the most beautiful thing he ever heard.

The manager says "That's absolutley beautiful! I have never heard it before,
what is it called?" The man said "It's an original tune, I wrote it myself.
It's called 'I've got dogshit on my shoes, and Rover's done run off'" the
manager, quite taken back, says "Oh... What other songs do you know?"

The man starts playing another song, even better than before. The manager now
has tears in his eyes from the sounds of the piano. "Oh my God!" says the
manager, "What is the name of that one, I have never heard that one either!"

The man says "That's another original, its called the "Blow your brother, screw
a goat and tell me that you love me waltz, in D-minor" The manager says "Those
are really good songs, but the names are a bit much. I'll make a deal with you,
you can work here as long as you never EVER mention the names of them"

The man accepts this deal, and begins to play for the customers. After hours of
play, he has to stop to use the bathroom, so he excuses himself and does his
duty. As he walks out of the bathroom, a guy walks up to him and says "Hey, do
you know you've got toilet paper on your shoe, your zipper's undone and your
dick is flapping in the wind?" The man says "Know it? I wrote that motherfucker!"