Is your PHP apps tied to mysql? when a custoemr wants it to run with oracle, sqlite, ms sql server are you forced to fork and rewrite the entire app?

Object Orientated PHP - DAO (data access object) class

This article explains how to build an DAO in PHP using and extending PDO making use of multiple database engines such as sqlite, oracle, mysql, ect.

Your app will then talk to your DAO to get data and all database related code changes you make will then forever be in one place.

Great for those annoying differences in SQL syntax like LIMIT in mysql, TOP for sql server, those functions like GetDate() in sql server sysdate for oracle, now() for mysql.

Set it up once in the DAO and then your app only needs to know the input for the DAO and your no longer restricted to a single database due to annoying SQL differences!

next: we should get together and build a PHP pre-processor that will transform all SQL syntax to the correct methods for the database sever connection. Who wants to get involved? We already have a 2 man team to get this started.