Dropsy (known as ‘Edema’ in humans) is a condition that results from a bacterial infection through unsanitary living conditions. Though dropsy is most commonly caused by a bacterial infection, it may also be caused by other environmental variants. Though dropsy in fish is not extremely contagious, it’s still very important to quarantine any infected fish as soon as you identify this condition. The most common symptom of dropsy in fish is a noticeable swelling of a fish’s abdomen.

Tuberculosis in fish is caused by a bacterial organism that thrives in poor water quality conditions. Tuberculosis is commonly seen in fish from pet stores, or fish that live in extremely crowded conditions. The best treatment for tuberculosis in fish is a thorough tank cleaning, though prevention of transmission may sometimes require that you destroy the infected fish before the infection spreads to the rest of your aquarium. However, this is usually only necessary if other treatment methods are ineffective.

Red Pest is a bacterial infection that usually manifests as red, bloody streaks that appear on a fish. These reddish streaks sometimes progress to becoming open ulcerations. Since this is an internal bacterial infection, most topical treatment methods will not be effective for this condition. The best course of treatment is to add a small amount of antibiotic to your fish’s daily feeding ration. To help improve your fish’s chances of surviving this condition, it’s also recommended that you clean and disinfect your tank.

Saprolegnia is a type of freshwater fungus that can sometimes affect aquarium fish in freshwater tanks. When saprolegnia infects a fish, it causes a type of fungal infection known as mycoses. This type of fungus thrives in cooler water, and may sometimes be treated by raising the temperature of the tank by a few degrees. Infection with saprolegnia is often fatal to fish, due to the high reproductive rate, extensive cellular necrosis and severe epidermal damage caused by this fungus. Treatment for this type of fungus usually involves the additive of phenoxethol to distilled water at a 1% ratio. Phenoxethol may be available for purchase at some pet care supply stores, usually located in the fish care section. This solution is then added to the aquarium, or the area where the infected fish is being kept.

Ichthyosporidium is a fungus that is slightly unique, since it attacks a fish’s internal organs. This fungal infection usually spreads from the kidneys and liver into most of a fish’s other internal systems. The most common symptoms associated with this condition include external cysts, open sores, hollow belly and sluggishness. However, when a fish begins to display one or several of these symptoms, the fungal infection has usually progressed to an advanced point in which it can no longer be treated. The best course of treatment is to add certain medications to a fish’s daily food ration, such as chloromycetin or phenoxethol. However, these are fairly dangerous treatments, and may not ensure the survival of your fish.

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Keywords:Dropsy ,Edema, bacterial infection , environmental variants, fish, common symptom , swelling ,fish’s abdomen,Tuberculosis, bacterial organism, tank cleaning,Red Pest , tank,Saprolegnia ,freshwater fungus,aquarium fish,freshwater tanks,fungal infection ,mycoses, cellular necrosis ,Phenoxethol ,Ichthyosporidium, fish’s internal organs, kidneys, liver, external cysts, food ration