Parineeti Chopra is all set to romance KAI PO CHE! fame Sushant Singh Rajput in Yash Raj Films' next titled SHUDDH DESI ROMANCE. The film is being directed by the director of BAND BAAJA BAARAAT and LADIES V/S RICKY BAHL, Maneesh Sharma and is written by the writer CHAK DE INDIA, Jaideep Sahani.

It's believed that the film is about the hair-raising minefield between love, attraction and commitment. The film also stars Rishi Kapoor and new comer Vani Kapoor is slated to release on 13th September 2013.

Parineeti Chopra More stills

Keywords:Parineeti Chopra, KAI PO CHE,Sushant Singh Rajput,Yash Raj Films, SHUDDH DESI ROMANCE, BAND BAAJA BAARAAT, LADIES V/S RICKY BAHL, Maneesh Sharma , CHAK DE INDIA, Jaideep Sahani, love, attraction , commitment,Rishi Kapoor, Vani Kapoor,Hindi film news,Bollywood film news