The theatrical trailer of Yash Raj Film's next film 'Shuddh Desi Romance' was launched recently (11th July) at Jaipur's oldest theatres - Raj Mandir.

Actually, the makers of the film decided upon this location keeping in tune with the film's backdrop. This Maneesh Sharma's forthcoming directorial, which is a love triangle between Parineeti, Sushant and Vaani Kapoor is a film set in the Pink city, Jaipur.

One very interesting fact that has come to notice is that for the first time ever some scenes of the film are shot at Raj Mandir, Jaipur. For the records, Raj Mandir is the oldest art deco theatre and very well known.

Interestingly, the theatre is also very popular among couples. Earlier when the team went to Jaipur and expressed their wish to shoot some scenes of the lead couple romancing there.

However, they were disappointed to know that the owner of Raj Mandir was not very keen to let anyone shoot there. Later, when it was conveyed to the owner by the team that the wish had personally come from the king of romantic films, Yash Chopra, they agreed to grant them the permission to shoot.

It is the first and probably the last time that Raj Mandir is the location of shooting any film.

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Keywords:Yash Raj Film,Shuddh Desi Romance, Raj Mandir,Maneesh Sharma, Parineeti, Sushant , Vaani Kapoor,Pink city, couples,couple romancing, king of romantic , Yash Chopra,Hindi filmn ews,Bollywood film news