is one among the popular rural dramas of Kerala. It is also known as Aivarkali and Pandavar kali, which means the play of the Pandavaas - the five heroes of Mahabhaaratha - and is performed by the Viswakarmas which enfolds five communities consisting of Aasaari (Carpenter), Muusaari (Brassmith), Kollan (Blacksmith), Tattaan (Goldsmith) and Kalthachan (Mason).

This ritualistic art form is performed in almost all important temples of Kerala. Today it is found in central Kerala. In Trichur District Vilkurupas also enacted this art form.

It is performed on a tara or a raised platform in a beautifully decorated pandal with a five - wicked Nilavilakku (bell-metal lamp) at its centre. The Nilavilakku is crowned with multi coloured flowers. Kulaavazha or plantain trees with full bunch of ripe plantains are erected on both sides of the Tara. In some villages, they have permanent platforms for the performance of Aivarnaatakam. Permanent platforms are found in the villages such as Adattu, Olarikkara, Pallippuram etc. near Bhagavathi temples. The performers describe to the audience the details of the stage and other decorations in their songs.

The Performers and their Costumes

The performers numbering five or more with their leader called Kaliaasaan enter the performance area after ritualistic bath, with sandal paste on their foreheads, chests and upper arms. They are dressed in white dhoti and have a towel wrapped around their heads.


The dancers gather around the lamp carrying small sticks with small bells attached at one end called Ponthi and offer their prayer to their deities. After Ganapathi Puuja, they bow to their leader and the Nilavilakku and start the dance by singing devotional songs.

Aivarnaatakam is divided into three parts namely Vattakkali, Parichamuttukali and Kölkali. Vattakkali means the dancing in a circular form round the Nilavilakku. Parichamuttukali is the second part of Aivarnaatakam, where sword and shield are used. The dance gradually grows vigorous and powerful and is accompanied by varied songs sung by all the dancers led by their leader. Besides Ponthi, only elathaalam is used for musical accompaniment with the singing, the dancing rises to a crescendo of rhythmic fervour and the dancers swish around, feet in step and the sticks striking perfect time. It is the third item of Aivarnaatakam.

After this performance the group leader switches on to its prose version called kavitham which gives elucidation of the song sung. Kavitham, one of the highlights of Aivarnaatakam is a rhythmic prose rendering of the play. The Aasaan ask questions to the audience to test their knowledge in the epics and he himself gives answers to the questions. Aasaan gives the synopsis of this story to the audience.

Aivarnaatakam is performed during the night. Even three whole nights may not be sometimes enough to complete a story. The contestants have the freedom of choosing their actors for performance. At the conclusion of the performance, the people conduct puuja. Both the actors and spectators like fruits as a token of the blessings given by Saraswathy, the Goddess of wisdom.

Legend of Aivarnaatakam

This ritualistic dance is reminiscent of an ancient legend connected with Mahabhaaratha. On hearing that one of her devotees, Karna, had been killed by the Pandavaas in battle. Bhadrakaali is determined to annihilate them. Lord Krishna who is a friend of the Pandavaas, comes to know this and he directs them to sing praises of the goddess and to propitiate her, The legend has it that Lord Krishna transformed himself into a lamp and prompted his friends to sing and dance in praise of the Devi. The Devi finally becomes pleased and blesses them.

Aivarnaatakam was an effective mass media for transmitting morally oriented stories of epics in the villages of Kerala, particularly to the artisan class and the Harijan community.

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Keywords:Aivarnaatakam , rural dramas, Aivarkali , Pandavar kali, Pandavaas , Mahabhaaratha , Viswakarmas, Aasaari ,Carpenter, Muusaari ,Brassmith, Kollan ,Blacksmith, Tattaan ,Goldsmith,Kalthachan ,Mason, Vilkurupas, Nilavilakku ,bell-metal lamp,Kulaavazha , plantain trees, ripe plantains ,Adattu, Olarikkara, Pallippuram , Bhagavathi temples,Kaliaasaan ,Ponthi , Ganapathi Puuja,Vattakkali, Parichamuttukali , Kölkali, rhythmic fervour, ritualistic dance, Lord Krishna , Harijan community