TextAloud converts any text into spoken words. It can read Text, Email, Web Pages, and documents using your choice of computer voices. The Text to MP3/WMA conversion can save text documents in audio format that can be downloaded to your portable MP3 player. Listen to email, online news, or important documents while you exercise, work or commute. It also supports ATT natural voices, however they must be purchased separately.
It uses voice synthesis to convert text into spoken audio. Listen on your PC or create MP3 or WMA files for use on portable devices like iPods, PocketPCs, and CD players.
Directly open Word, PDF, and HTML files. Automatic iTunes/Ipod syncing.
Advanced Pronunciation Tools
Toolbar plug-ins for Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Outlook
Optional premium voices for a wide variety of accents and languages.

Keywords: TextAloud ,text , spoken words, Email, Web Pages, documents , computer voices, MP3,WMA conversion, text documents ,audio format,MP3 player, exercise, work,commute, ATT natural voices,voice synthesis ,spoken audio, WMA files , iPods, PocketPCs, CD players,open Word, PDF,HTML files,Automatic iTunes,Ipod syncing, Tools,Toolbar, plug-ins, Internet Explorer, Firefox,Outlook