
Make sure you have likejackets for all on board. Lifejackets are the single most important safety item on any boat and there should be one on board for each person

Check weather and local conditions

Stay alert to weather conditions - monitor the Bureau of Meterology for any severe weather warnings issued. Stay ashore if warnings are current or the weather appears doubtful.

Seek up-to-date local knowledge - this applies to both boating on the ocean or on lakes or rivers. Conditions on rivers and lakes may be affected by low water levels.

Check your craft and safety equipment

Check your craft thoroughly in all respects before heading out on the water. Make sure your vessel is appropriate for the conditions.

Check the motor is running properly. Do not set out until any engine trouble has been fixed. The engine might clear itself, but the chances are problems will only get worse

Check your fuel - you should have enough fuel for the return trip plus a margin of at least 50%

It is important that all safety gear is in good condition and ready for use because a lifejacket stowed under the anchor chain or a distress flare which has expired will not do the job it was designed for - to help save a life.

Keep in touch

check that a responsible person knows the description of your boat, the number of passengers, where you are going, and your expected time of return or arrival

Log on and log odd - Use your marine radio to log on and to log off with a coastal radio base. Tell them where you are going, estimated time of return, vessel details, how many people on board, and advise them when you return.

General safety

Always operate your boat at a safe speed

Be alert to possible riskier situations while boating, including at night, boating alone, crossing bars, and high risk of capsize or swamping
Use lights at night.

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Keywords:Boating safety tips,Lifejackets, weather conditions , monitor , Bureau of Meterology ,boating , ocean , lakes , rivers, craft , safety equipment,motor, engine trouble , fuel, passengers,coastal radio , vessel details