Hiccups occur when the diaphragm suddenly and involuntarily contracts (tightens), resulting in a hiccup sound being produced at the top of the trachea (windpipe).

The medical name for hiccups is "singultus".

The diaphragm is a thin membrane of muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen (tummy). It is underneath the ribcage and helps to control breathing.

Hiccups are a reflex action, which means that you do not have any control over them. Hiccups are not usually serious and in most cases only last a few minutes.

Treating hiccups

Most hiccups will pass quickly and usually only last a few minutes. Treatment is not usually required.

However, in cases of persistent or intractable hiccups that last longer than 48 hours, further investigations are needed to identify the cause and appropriate treatment.

Read more about how hiccups are diagnosed.

As well as treatment for underlying conditions, there are also self-help techniques that may help some people to stop common types of hiccups.