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Thread: Dream to succeed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Dream to succeed


    We all have been rejected at one time or
    another. It hurts, yes it hurts bad. Yet we keep
    asking ourself why do people like hurting
    each other. Do they enjoy it. Do they like
    seeing others hurt. The answer is yes. They
    are stupid, insentive, selfish, and evil people
    around us. They unfortunately make up some
    of our population.

    Try not to let people like them put you down,
    I know that it is hard but they are stupid, and
    lack intellengence. They have not been told
    yet, that they are not perfect (smile)

    Dare to dream,it's the first step to success

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I truly believe in Dreaming in order to reach success. Dreaming 2/3 always pushes one to try to make it happen, make it a reality. I am not saying dreaming is all it takes to reach success, but its a huge piece of the recipe. After one dreams, they must take initiative to seal the deal.
    Life is full of haters ready to hinder you, don't let them.
    Sky is the limit.


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