Hi, :D

Have you ever thought what you would do if you had the chance to say I'm sorry or I love you or even, you hurt me when you did that. Don't miss another opportunity to say what's on your mind. And don't cope out with an excuse. Unfortunity time does not wait for anyone and it has a way of sneeking up when it's least expected.

Just think about this for a moment,this issue may be causing you pain and this ache is making you uneasy. Don't wait for the perfect time, do it now. Decide to do it the next time you see them, regardless.A mother ,dad, a friend,even your mate, needs to hear what you need to say. I know for real that holding something inside can make you sick.That's because it needs to come out, it needs to be released. Don't tell yourself that they should say I love you first, don't concern yourself with who should make the effort first. :D

Make the first attempt (genuinely).Make the best of a given opportunity.
Be the bigger person, you will actually feel lighter when that weight is off your back.And your heart will love you for it. Keep in mind that you made the attempt to correct the relationship. Then with grace, move on.

Think green:..Switch off your computer when not in use :)