Boys or Girls: Which Gender Is Easier To Raise?
This is something that I always have in the back of my head (don't know why but its there lol). A few weeks back I was at Gymboree and there was a pg woman at the counter purchasing some clothes. The cashier asked her if it was her first and she replied 'No, her 4th'. She explained that they have 3 boys and were trying for a girl but the 4th is going to be a boy. The cashier laughed a little and said 'Well, if it makes you feel any better boys are easier to raise.' This is not the first time I have heard this and I walked out of the store puzzled as to why I hear that so often. Does it have to do with the difference in dealing with puberty with a boy vs a girl? Speaking of puberty, which is easier to try to 'control' when it comes to virginity? Is it because a girl can get pregnant but yet a boy can get a girl pregnant. Does it have to do with the emotions that a girl goes through in life that a boy may not have? Just wondering what others thoughts are.