How much will be the cost to maintain .COM domain name
How much will be the cost to maintain .COM domain name
Depends where you get it from, shop around
There are a lot of companys that can provide a cheap service but your best bet is to find something that can handle what you need.
If I buy a domain... can I store file in it? :roll:
Its not really the domain that handles that its the place you have the storage from that decides if you can "store" files on your space. Most places I think would allow you to store files aslong as its not files that cotian porn or stuff like that.
Domain Name is just the name only.
To store files, you need space in web server. This is different from domain name.
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In choosing the registrar also one should be very careful.The registrar should be reliable and provide services at affordable cost.I chose since the cost is low when I get the domain registration and hosting as a package from them. Its $6.00/year with their hosting packing and $9.95/year without hosting.
Last edited by drownedwent; 05-01-2017 at 08:42 PM.
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