Healthy Benefits of Laughter
Laughter is a waterfall, a cascade of inner joy spilling out. Don't be afraid to laugh unrestrainedly- loud and long. Never curb it.
Laughter is not only one of the sweetest sounds of life, but a release from pain. A fun-loving cousin of deep-breathing, it makes you inhale six times more oxygen than you normally would.
Research has shown that it aids digestion and the secretion of favourable glandular hormones. There is a growing belief in the west amongst fitness experts that watching a sitcom increases the immune response of the body and keeps away pesky illnesses.
What is laughter after all? It is a reflex that sets your diaphragm going. The involuntary gusts that shake it make your respiratory muscles rapidly expand and contract. Hence it enhances your breathing apparatus and improves your circulation. The expansion and contraction increases the chest cavity and the lungs find themselves inhaling more oxygen while simultaneously expelling more carbon dioxide than they do when you are breathing normally. Which is why you sometimes end up feeling slightly breathless after a good hearty laugh.
Though not conclusive, more and more experts are beginning to believe that laughter also releases endorphin - the body's natural painkiller. Analysis of the endorphin hormone shows that it contains opiod peptides -a group of proteins which closely resembles opium or morphine in its chemical structure. Where a synthetic analgesic numbs you to pain, the natural endorphin detaches you from discomfort by stimulating certain transmitters that block the painful sensations.
Fun Time
Poison in Heart (FACT)
A Snake has its poison in it's teeth...
A Dog has its poison in it's Tongue...
A Scorpio has its poison in it's Tale...
Its only the Human who have poison in their Hearts...