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Thread: Natural Remedies For Teeth Whitening

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default Natural Remedies For Teeth Whitening

    Wood Ash
    Hardwood ash contains potassium hydroxide, which is a bleaching agent and proves useful in whitening teeth. You can brush your teeth with wood ash on a regular basis. There is a drawback of this remedy - the ash tastes awful and can even harm the enamel of your teeth, over time.

    Lemon Juice
    Lemons are very useful in keeping your smile bright. Brushing your teeth with lemon juice or rubbing its peel across them is one of the most useful and frequently mentioned ways to whiten teeth naturally. It also harmful in the way that lemon juice can rob your teeth of calcium, because of the citric acid present in it, if used regularly.

    Mash strawberries into a paste and brush your teeth with it. It tastes nice, but can expose you to the same danger as lemon juice. Strawberries seeds can damage your gums and even your teeth, if you brush too hard. So, if you choose strawberry as a whitening solution, make sure to brush gently and rinse your mouth shortly after.

    Crunchy Vegetables
    Vegetables like celery, carrots, broccoli and cucumber serve as natural remedies for whitening your teeth. They are abrasive in nature and acts like a toothbrush, scrubbing away all the germs and stains from your teeth. Make sure to eat them raw and laugh your way to white teeth.

    Baking Soda
    Baking soda is safer than other remedies, as it does not have any bad effect on your teeth. The use of baking soda and salt mixture for brushing teeth has been an old practice. It is very effective in removing stains, with the help of peroxide. It also helps to kill bacteria, which causes plaque and reduces acids that can harm the tooth enamel. Make sure to brush your teeth gently, by using baking soda, to gain all the benefits out of it. Being gentle will ensure that you do not irritate the teeth or gums.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Very nice suggestions about teeth care ..... thank u very much....

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