Nothing makes a smile more beautiful than sparkling white teeth. But with all our faulty habits, sparkling white teeth seem to be history and there are many suffering from yellow teeth. It is the result of damaged enamel of the tooth. It happens due to excessive alcohol, smoking, lack of oral care etc. When the enamel is damaged, the teeth gets sensitive to food stain which makes it look yellow. Here are some home remedies for yellow teeth -

Buzz up!
1.Using baking soda is one of the best home remedies for yellow teeth. Mix some baking soda in a glass of warm water and gargle your mouth with it. After throwing out the water, scrub your teeth lightly. This will lead to sparkling teeth.

2.Scrubbing teeth with orange rind is also one of the best home remedies.

3.Gargling with lemon juice and scrubbing teeth with lemon rind is also one of the good ways to get rid of yellow teeth.

4.In earlier times people used charcoal to clean teeth. Charcoal, has a powerful crystal based chemical which results in teeth whitening. You can mix some charcoal with toothpaste to get rid of stains. Thus, making it one of the best home remedies for yellow teeth.

5.Strawberries surprisingly is a teeth whitening agent. Rub some strawberries on your teeth to remove all the teeth stains.

6.Brushing teeth with apple cider vinegar clans teeth, makes it healthy and also kills bacteria causing the decay of teeth enamel.

7.In your salad include lettuce leafs. Chewing on lettuces leaves and it's juice, is good for oral health and also does not allow it to get stained with food colour.

Follow these seven home remedies to get rid of yellow teeth and to get a dazzling smile with sparkling teeth.

Keywords: Beauty and fashion, hair care, lips care, skin complexion, eye makeup, eye shadow, facial, face mask, fashion dress, beauty teeth