Did this page fade when you came into it? If it didn't you are probably using a browser other than Internet Explorer or HTML Tips is your home page (which is highly unlikely). This tip only works in Internet Explorer

That fade was accomplished using this command in the head of the HTML code (crammed onto 1 line):

<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=2.0)">

This "blends" the page in for 2.0 seconds when it is entered.

You can change the Page-Enter to Page-Exit, Site-Enter, or Site-Exit. Also, you can change the "blendTrans(Duration=2.0)" to:

for Circle In

for Wipe Down


for Checkerboard Across.

Change the
Duration=2.0 to a different number for a longer or shorter transition (in seconds).

Change the
Transition=2 to a different number for a different transition.

Keywords:Page Fading Tips,
Internet Explorer , HTML Tips,HTML code