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Thread: 12 ways to up your fitness levels!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default 12 ways to up your fitness levels!

    First of all, ditch the following words/phrases from your vocab instantly: Laziness, lack of time, no motivation, exhaustion. Done? Pat on the back. Now, pay close attention: Small, easy, simple and absolutely doable things - taken from your daily routine - can help you stay healthy and fit. You don't have to necessarily pump iron for hours, sweat buckets or contort your body and torture it, in an effort to cut the flab.

    In fact, a few years ago, a study published in a popular science journal discovered that short bursts of physical activity that add up to nothing more than a few minutes a day could be just as effective in keeping one's health as a planned daily workout at the gym. Which means, simple things like just cleaning up your room - go on, pick up the towel from the floor-or putting things back where they belong - erm, that coffee cup has no job hanging out beneath your dresser - can make you fitter. So now, don't make any excuses and just move that body to get into killer form!

    Hobbies that make you groove!
    Of course you'll say you love 'listening to music'. So exactly which expert has recommended that you must just lounge on your bed and listen to the latest hit? Hop around the room, do your own li'l jig, dance like no one's watching and see those calories melt off you.

    Gifting yourself a healthy hobby-one that keeps you on your toes for at least 20 minutes a day-could be your first step on the path to good health. "Take your dog for a walk for about half an hour." Alternately, you could try to pretty up your pad and burn some inches. "Household chores help too-anything that involves you constantly bending is a good workout! In fact, gardening for about half an hour easily burns 500 calories.

    Sleep your way through it
    Sleep can be described as your body's "me-time", a time when it repairs the wear-and-tear it suffers through the day. "It is very important to stick to your biorhythm - which means you should work through the day, but sleep early in the night. Keep your partying plans for the weekends." And get this, according to , "Substantial medical evidence suggests fascinating links between sleep and weight." In an article on the website, researchers have said that two hormones - which stimulates appetite and Leptin, that sends a signal to your brain when you are full - influence our appetite, and the production of both these hormones could be influenced by how much or how little we sleep. So if you sleep the recommended 7-8 hours a day, you could naturally shed some weight!

    Keywords:Laziness, lack of time, no motivation, exhaustion, close attention, Small, easy, simple ,sweat buckets,science journal , health , gym,coffee cup , groove, dance , sleep, weight,weight!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Akshay Kumar's Fitness Mantra

    "In 24 hours, if you cannot give one hour to your body, then you should kill yourself”.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    A great post with some good ideas. On the days I don't have time to go to the gym I just do some pushups or squats every hour this has really helped me lose body fat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    good info thanks!

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